Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 2.djvu/65

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[84 STAT. 1395]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. 1395]

84 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 91-537-DEC. 8, 1970


Public Law 91-537 AN ACT December 8. 1970 To revise certain laws relating to the liability of hotels, motels, and similar estab[H. R. IO336] lishments in the District of Columbia to their guests. ' r^


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Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Arne^^a in Congress assembled, That (a) if a hotel, °-^- *'°**^*' motel, or similar establishment in the District of Columbia which pro- 'Liability uws, vides lodging to transient guests (1) provides a suitable depository '••^i"i°"(other than a checkroom) for the safekeeping of personal property (other than a motor vehicle), and {^) displays conspicuously in the guest and public rooms of that establishment a printed copy of this section (or summary thereof), that establishment shall not be liable for the loss or destruction of, or damage to, any personal property of a guest or patron not deposited for safekeeping, except that this sentence shall not apply with respect to the liability of that establishment for loss or destruction of, or damage to, any personal property retained by a guest in his room if the property is such property as is usual, common, or prudent for a guest to retain in his room. I n the case of any personal property of a guest or patron deposited in such a depository for safekeeping, that establishment shall be liable for the loss or destruction of, or damage to, that property to the extent of the lesser of $1,000 or the fair market value of the property at the time of its loss, destruction, or damage. (b) If a hotel, motel, or similar establishment in the District of Columbia which provides lodging to transient guests maintains a checkroom (conspicuously designated as such) ^'here guests and patrons may deposit personal property, that establishment shall, if it conspicuously posts a printea copy of this section (or summary thereof), be liable for the loss or destruction of, or damage to, that property only to the extent of the lesser of $200 or the fair market value OT the property at the time of its loss, destruction, or damage unless the destruction or damage is caused by its agent or servant. SEC. 2. (a) A hotel, motel, or similar establishment in the District Lien rights. of Columbia which provides lodging to transient guests, has a lien upon, and may retain possession of, any personal property belonging to, or under the control of, a guest or patron of that establishment, for the amount due that establishment from that guest or patron for lodging, food, or other item of value, except that the amount of the lien authorized by this subsection may not exceed $1,000. Retained (b) If, within 30 days after his property has been retained under erty, public prop*. sale subsection (a), a guest or patron fails to pay the establishment retaining that property any amount due that establishment for lodging, food, or other item of value, that establishment may sell that property at a public sale. Prior to that sale, the establishment shall send, by registered or certified mail, to the last known address of that guest or patron a demand for payment of the amount due, and shall publish a notice of sale once a week for three successive weeks in a daily newspaper of general circulation published in the District of Columbia. Notice, That notice shall state— contents. (1) that the purpose of the sale is to satisfy the lien granted by subsection (a); (2) the amount for which that lien is granted, including storage charges; (3) the day, time, and place of sale; and (4) a description of the property including, in the case of the sale of a motor vehicle, the make, type, year, model number, serial number, engine number, and the year and license registration number of that motor vehicle. 47-348 O - 72 - 5 (Pt. 2)