Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 2.djvu/940

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[84 STAT. 2270]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. 2270]

2270 76 Stat. 74. 19 USC prec.

^^7'7 USC"ioi7 77A Stat. 441. 19 USC 1202.

77 Stat. 1028 77 Stat. 1032 78 Stat. 1249 80 Stat. 1767 19 USC 1202 Dte. 81 Stat. 1110 82 Stat. 1455 82 Stat. 1636 82 Stat. 1649 83 Stat. 915. 64 Stat. 261. 7 USC 624.

PROCLAMATION 4026-DEC. 31, 1970



fication Act of 1962, the President by Proclamation No. 3548 of August 21, 1963, proclaimed the additional import restrictions set forth in part 3 of the Appendix to the Tariff Schedules of the United States; and WHEREAS the import restrictions on certain dairy products set forth in part 3 of the Appendix to the Tariff Schedules of the United States as proclaimed by Proclamation No. 3548 have been amended by Proclamation No. 3558 of October 5, 1963; Proclamation No. 3562 of November 26, 1963; Proclamation No. 3597 of July 7, 1964; section 88 of the Tariff Schedules Technical Amendments Act of 1965 (79 Stat. 950); Proclamation No. 3709 of March 31, 1966; Proclamation No. 3790 of June 30, 1967; Proclamation No. 3822 of December 16, 1967; Proclamation No. 3856 of June 10, 1968; Proclamation No. 3870 of September 24, 1968; and Proclamation No. 3884 of January 6, 1969; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said section 22, the Secretary of Agriculture advised me there was reason to believe that the articles, for which import restrictions are hereinafter proclaimed, are being imported, and are practically certain to be imported, under such conditions and in such quantities as to render or tend to render ineffective, or materially interfere with the price support program now conducted by the Department of Agriculture for milk and butterfat, or to reduce substantially the amount of products processed in the United States from domestic milk and butterfat; and WHEREAS, under the authority of said section 22, I requested the United States Tariff Commission to make an investigation with respect to this matter; and WHEREAS the United States Tariff Commission has made an investigation under the authority of said section 22 with respect to this matter and has reported to me its findings and recommendations made in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, on the basis of such investigation and report, I find and declare that the articles, for which import restrictions are hereinafter proclaimed, are being imported and are practically certain to be imported into the United States under such conditions and in such quantities as to render or tend to render ineffective or materially interfere with the price support program now conducted by the Department of Agriculture for milk and butterfat or to reduce substantially the amount of products processed in the United States from domestic milk and butterfat; and WHEREAS I find and declare that for the purpose of the first proviso of section 22(b) of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, as amended, the representative period for imports of such articles is the calendar years 1967 through 1969; and