Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 85.djvu/159

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[85 STAT. 129]
PUBLIC LAW 92-000—MMMM. DD, 1971
[85 STAT. 129]

85 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 92-51-JULY 9, 1971


3,000 miles; or seven cents per mile, if such certified distance is 3,000 miles or more. In any fiscal year in which a Senator does not occupy the office of Senator for the entire fiscal year, the total amount of such expenses for which that Senator and the employees in his office may be reimbursed shall not exceed the greater of (1) the amount determined under the preceding sentence times that fraction which has as its numerator the number of months (counting the portion of any month as a month) during that fiscal year the Senator has occupied such office and has as its denominator the number 12, or (2) 50 percent of the amount determined under the preceding sentence. Reimbursement for such expenses by employees of the Senator shall be made only upon vouchers approved by the Senator- containing a certification by such Senator that the round trip was performed in line of official duty. Xo payment shall be made to a newly appointed employee to travel to his place of employment. Reimbursement under this paragraph shall be in addition to reimbursement for official travel which is otherwise authorized pursuant to law. The". . ^^^ In the case of round trips made by employees in a Senator's office, Effective ate. the amendment made by this paragraph shall apply only with respect to such round trips commencing on or after July 1, 1971, except that a round trip commenced but not completed prior to such date and for which reimbursement may not be charged to amounts made available for such round trips for fiscal year 1971 may be charged to amounts made available under such amendment during fiscal year 1972. Effective July 1, 1971, the second paragraph under the heading ^^P^^^•'Administrative Provisions in the appropriations for the Senate in the legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1962, as amended (2 U.S.C. 127), is repealed. ^, _ , .. •. o ssltlu^T I n lieu of the volumes of the Code of Laws of the united States, and the supplements thereto, supplied a Senator under section 212 of 61 Stat. 640. title 1, United States Code, the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed to supply to a Senator upon written request of, and as specified by, that Senator— (1) one copy of each of the volumes of the United States Code Annotated being published at the time the Senator takes office, and, as long as that Senator holds office, one copy of each replacement volume, each annual pocket part, and each pamphlet supplementing each such pocket part to the United States Code Annotated; or — (2) one copy of each of the volumes of the Federal Code Annotated being published at the time the Senator takes office, and, as long as that Senator holds office, one copy of each replacement volume and each pocket supplement to the Federal Code Annotated. A Senator is entitled to make a written request under this paragraph and be supplied such volumes, pocket parts, and supplements the first time he takes office as a Senator and each time thereafter he takes office as a Senator after a period of time during which he has not been a Senator. In submitting such written request, the Senator shall certify that the volumes, pocket parts, or supplements he is to be supplied are to be for his exclusive, personal use. A Senator holding office on the date of enactment of this Act shall be entitled to file a written request and receive the volumes, pocket parts, and supplements, as the case may be, referred to in this paragraph if such request is filed within 60 days after the date of enactment of this Act. Expenses incurred under this authorization shall be paid from the contingent fund of the Senate, Section 4 of the joint resolution entitled "Joint Resolution transferring the management of the Senate Restaurants to the Architect