Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 85.djvu/413

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[85 STAT. 383]
PUBLIC LAW 92-000—MMMM. DD, 1971
[85 STAT. 383]

85 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 92-138-OCT. 14, 1971


of reduction in quota has not been imported but is covered by authorizations for importation issued by the Secretary not more than five days prior to the scheduled date of departure shown on the authorization shall be permitted to be entered and charged to the quota established for such country for the next succeeding calendar year." (g) Section 202(g) of such Act is amended to read as follows: " (g)(1) The Secretary is authorized to limit, on a quarterly basis only, the importation of sugar within the quota for any foreign country during the first quarter of 1972 if he determines that such limitation is necessary to achieve the objectives of the Act. "(2) The Secretary is not authorized during the last three quarters of 1972 arid the full year 1973, or in any year thereafter except as provided herein, to limit the importation of sugar within the quota for any foreign country through the use of limitations applied on other than a calendar year basis. "(3) I n order to attain on an annual average basis the price objective determined pursuant to the formula specified in section 201 of this Act, the Secretary shall make adjustments in the determination of requirements of consumers in accordance with the following provisions: (A) the determination of requirements of consumers shall not be adjusted whenever the simple average of the prices of raw sugar for seven consecutive market days is less than 4 per centum (or, in the case of any seven consecutive market day period ending after October 31 of any year and before March 1 of the following year, 3 per centum) above or below the average price objective so determined for the preceding two calendar months; (B) the determination of requirements of consumers shall be adjusted to the extent necessary to attain such price objective whenever the simple average of prices of raw sugar for seven consecutive market days is 4 per centum or more (or, in the case of any seven consecutive market day period ending after October 31 of any year and before March 1 of the following year, 3 per centum or more) above or below the average price objective so determined for the preceding two calendar months; and (C) the determination of requirements of consumers for the current year shall not be reduced after November 30 of such year, but any required reduction shall instead be made in such determination for the following year. If in the twelve-month period ending October 31 of any year after 1972 the average price of raw sugar is less than 99 per centum of the price objective determined pursuant to the formula set forth in section 201 (except in the twelve-month period ending October 31, 1973—97 per centum) then, with respect to each subsequent calendar year, the Secretary is authorized after November 30 of the preceding year to limit, on a quarterly basis only, the importation of sugar within the quota of any foreign country during the first or second quarter, or both, of such subsequent year if he determines that such limitation is necessary to achieve the objectives of the Act. "(4) The Secretary is not authorized to issue any regulation under this Act restricting the importation, shipment, or storage of sugar to one or more particular geographical areas. "(5) The imposition of limitations on a quarterly basis under this subsection shall not operate to reduce the quantity of sugar permitted to be imported for any calendar year from any country below its quota for that year." SEC. 5. (a) Section 204(a) of the Sugar Act of 1948, as amended, is „., ^ „ „ •!„ •]




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amended— allocation. (1) by striking out the first sentence and inserting in lieu there- l^J^r^', }?I^' of the following: "The Secretary shall, at the time he makes his ' ^^ ''*• determination of requirements of consumers for each calendar year and on December 15 preceding each calendar year, and as often