Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 85.djvu/458

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[85 STAT. 428]
PUBLIC LAW 92-000—MMMM. DD, 1971
[85 STAT. 428]

428 C-5A aircraft contingency fund, restrictions and controls.

Defense Department and GAO audits. Report to Congress.

L a o s, fund limitation.


PUBLIC LAW 92-156-NOV. 17, 1971

[85 STAT.

SEC. 504. (a) The amount of $325,100,000 authorized to be appropriated by this Act for the development and procurement of the C-5A aircraft may be expended only for the reasonable and allocable direct and indirect costs incurred by the prime contractor under a contract entered into with the United States to carry out the C-5A aircraft program. No part of such amount may be used for— (1) direct costs of any other contract or activity of the prime contractor; (2) profit on any materials, supplies, or services which are sold or transferred between any division, subsidiary, or affiliate of the prime contractor under the common control of the prime contractor and such division, subsidiary, or affiliate; (3) bid and proposal costs, independent research and development costs, and the cost of other similar unsponsored technical elfort; or (4) depreciation and amortization costs on property, plant, or equipment. Any of the costs referred to in the preceding sentence which would otherwise be allocable to any work funded by such $325,100,000 may not be allocated to other portions of the C-5A aircraft contract or to any other contract with the United States, but payments to C-5A aircraft subcontractors shall not be subject to the restriction referred to in such sentence. (b) Any payments from such $325,100,000 shall be made to the prime contractor through a special bank account from which such contractor may withdraw funds only after a request containing a detailed justification of the amount requested has been submitted to and approved by the contracting officer for the United States. All payments made from such special bank account shall be audited by the Defense Contract Audit Agency of the Department of Defense and, on a quarterly basis, by the General Accounting Office. The Comptroller General shall submit to the Congress not more than thirty days after the close of each quarter a report on the audit for such quarter performed by the General Accounting Office pursuant to this subsection. (c) The restrictions and controls provided for in this section with respect to the $325,100,000 referred to in subsections (a) and (b) of this section shall be in addition to such other restrictions and controls as may be prescribed by the Secretary of Defense or the Secretary of the Air Force. SEC. 505. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no funds authorized to be appropriated by this or any other Act may be expended in any amount in excess of $350,000,000 for the purpose of carrying out directly or indirectly any economic or military assistance, or any operation, project, or program of any kind, or for providing any goods, supplies, materials, equipment, services, personnel, or advisers in, to, for, or on behalf of Laos during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1972. (b) In computing the $350,000,000 limitation on expenditure authority under subsection (a) of this section in fiscal year 1972, there shall be included in the computation the value of any goods, supplies, materials, or equipment provided to, for, or on behalf of Laos in such fiscal year by gift, donation, loan, lease, or otherAvise. For the purpose of this subsection, "value" means the fair market value of any goods, supplies, materials, or equipment provided to, for, or on behalf of Laos, but in no case less than 331^ per centum of the amount the United States paid at the time such goods, supplies, materials, or equipment were acquired by the United States. (c) No additional expenditures in excess of the" limitation prescribed in subsection (a) of this section may be made for any of the purposes described in such subsection in, to, for, or on behalf of