Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 85.djvu/460

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[85 STAT. 430]
PUBLIC LAW 92-000—MMMM. DD, 1971
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PUBLIC LAW 92-156-NOV. 17, 1971

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(c) Any report re(iuired to be submitted under subsection (a) or (b) of this section, as the case may be, shall include detailed and summarized information with respect to each weapon system covered by such report, and shall specifically include, but shall not be limited to— (1) the development schedule, includinj^ estimated annual costs until development is completed; (2) the planned procurement schedule, including- the best estimate of the Secretary of Defense of the annual costs and units to be procured until procurement is completed; (3) to the extent required by the second sentence of subsection (a) of this section, the results of all operational testing and evaluation up to the time of the submission of the report, or, if operational testing and evaluation has not been conducted, a statement of the reasons therefor and the results of such other testing and evaluation as has been conducted. (cl) In the case of any weapon system for which procurement funds have not been previously requested and for which funds are first requested by the President in any fiscal year after the Budget for such fiscal year has been submitted to the Congress, the same reporting requirements shall be applicable to such system in the same manner and to the same extent as if funds had been requested for such system in such Budget. TITLE VI — TERMINATION OF H O S T I L I T I E S IN INDOCHINA SEC. 601. (a) I t is hereby declared to be the policy of the Ignited States to terminate at the earliest practicable date all military operations of the United States in Indochina, and to provide for the prompt and orderly withdrawal of all United States military forces at a date certain, subject to the release of all American prisoners of war held by the Government of North Vietnam and forces allied with such Government and an accounting for all Americans missing in action who have been held by or known to such Government or such forces. The Congress hereby urges and requests the President to implement the aboveexpressed policy by initiating immediately the following actions: (1) Establishing a final date for the withdrawal from Indochina of all military forces of the United States contingent upon the release of all American prisoners of war held by the Government of North Vietnam and forces allied with such (lovernment and an accounting for all Americans missing in action who have been held by or known to such Government or such forces. (2) Negotiate with the Government of North Vietnam for an immediate cease-fire by all parties to the hostilities in Indochina. (3) Negotiate w4th the Government of North Vietnam for an agreement which would provide for a series of phased and rapid withdrawals of United States military forces from Indochina in exchange for a corresponding series of phased releases of American prisoners of war, and for the release of any remaining American prisoners of war concurrently with the withdrawal of all remaining military forces of the United States by not later than the date established by the President pursuant to paragraph (1) hereof or by such earlier date as may be agreed upon by the negotiating parties. Approved November 17, 1971.