Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 85.djvu/597

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[85 STAT. 567]
PUBLIC LAW 92-000—MMMM. DD, 1971
[85 STAT. 567]

85 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 92-178-DEC. 10, 1971

elusive, except to the extent that they are subject to examination and audit by the Comptroller General under section 9007 and judicial review under section 9011. "SEC. 9006. PAYMENTS TO ELIGIBLE CANDIDATES. " (a) ESTABLISHMENT OF CAMPAIGX FUND.—There is hereby established on the books of the Treasury of the United States a special fund to be known as the 'Presidential Election Campaign Fund'. The Secretary shall maintain in the fund (1) a separate account for the candidates of each major party, each minor party, and each new party for which a specific designation is made under section 6096 for payment into an account in the fund and (2) a general account for which no specific designation is made. The Secretary shall, as provided by appropriation Acts, transfer to each account in the fund an amount not in excess of the sum of the amounts designated (subsequent to the previous presidential election) to such account by individuals under section 6096 for payment into such account of the fund. " (b) TRANSFP:R TO THE GENP:RAL FUND.—If, after a presidential election and after all eligible candidates have been paid the amount which they are entitled to receive under this chapter, there are moneys remaining in any account in the fund, the Secretary shall transfer the moneys so remaining to the general fund of the Treasury. "(c) PAYMENTS FROM THE FUND.—Upon receipt of a certification from the Comptroller General under section 9005 for payment to the eligible candidates of a political party, the Secretary shall pay to such candidates out of the specific account in the fund for such candidates the amount certified by the Comptroller General. Payments to eligible candidates from the account designated for them shall be limited to the amounts in such account at the time of payment. Amounts paid to any such candidates shall be under the control of such candidates. "(d)


" (1) If, on the 60th day prior to the presidential election, the moneys in any separate account in the fund are less than the aggregate entitlement under section 9004(a)(1) or (2) of the eligible candidates to which such account relates, 80 percent of the amount in the general account shall be transferred to the separate accounts (whether or not all the candidates to which such separate accounts relate are eligible candidates) in the ratio of the entitlement under section 9004(a)(1) or (2) of the candidates to which such accounts relate. No amount shall be transferred to any separate account under the preceding sentence which, when added to the moneys in that separate account prior to any payment out of that account during the calendar year, would be in excess of the aggregate entitlement under section 9004(a)(1) or (2) of the candidates to whom such account relates. "(2) If, at the close of the expenditure report period, the moneys in any separate account in the fund are not sufficient to satisfy any unpaid entitlement of the eligible candidates to which such account relates, the balance in the general account shall be transferred to the separate accounts in the following manner: " (A) For the separate account of the candidates of a major party, compute the percentage which the average number of popular A'otes recei^-ed by the candidates for President of the major parties is of the total number of popular votes cast for the office of President in the election. " (B) P^or the separate account of the candidates of a minor or new party, compute the percentage which the popular votes received for President by the candidate to which such account relates is of the total number of popular votes cast for the office of President in the election.


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