Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 85.djvu/674

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[85 STAT. 644]
PUBLIC LAW 92-000—MMMM. DD, 1971
[85 STAT. 644]


25 USC 70a.

PUBLIC LAW 92-187~DEC. 15, 1971

[85 STAT.

northeast quarter northeast quarter, section 7, township 41 north, range 26 east. Mount Diablo meridian, Nevada, from the owner thereof and to cause the title to be conveyed to the United States in trust for the benefit of the Summit Lake Paiute Tribe. SEC. 3. The Indian Claims Commission is directed to determine in accordance with the provisions of section 2 of the Act of August 13, 1946 (60 Stat. 1050), the extent to which the value of the beneficial interest conveyed by this Act should or should not be set off against any claim against the United States determined by the Commission. Approved December 15, 1971.

Public Law 92-187 December 15, 1971 [H. R. 3628]

Federal employees. Married women, equality. 80 Stat. 410; 81 Stat. 196,

Cost-of-living allowance.

Discrimination prohibition.

AN ACT To amend title •>, United States Code, to provide equality of treatment for married women Federal employees with respect to preference eligible employment benefits, cost-of-living allowances in foreign areas, and regulations concerning marital status generally, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the >ienate and House of RepreHentatlceH of the United States of America in Congress assemhied. That subparagraphs (D) and (E) of paragraph (3) of section 2108 of title 5, Ignited States Code, relating to the definition of "preference eligible"', are amended to read as follows: ""(D) the unmarried widow or widower of a veteran as defined by paragraph (1)(A) of this section;

  • '(E) the wife or husband of a service-connected disabled

veteran if the veteran has been tmable to qualify for any appointment in the civil service or in the government of the District of Columbia;"'. SKC. 2. Paragraph (3) of section 5924 of title 5, United States Code, relating to cost-of-living allowances in foreign areas, is amended to read as follows: "(3) A separate maintenance allowance to assist an employee who is compelled, because of dangerous, notably unhealthful, or excessively adverse living conditions at the employee's post of assignment in a foreign area, or for the convenience of the Government, to meet the additional expenses of maintaining, elsewhere than at the post, the employee"s spouse or dependents, or both.". SEC. 3. Section 7152 of title 5, United States Code, relating to the prohibition on discrimination in employment because of marital status, is amended— (1) by inserting " (a) " immediately before "The President"; and (2) by adding at the end thereof the following new subsections: "(b) Regulations prescribed under any provision of this title, or under any other provision of law, granting benefits to employees, shall provide the same benefits for a married female employee and her spouse and children as are provided for a married male employee and his spouse and children. "(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any provision of law providing a benefit to a male Federal employee or to his spouse or family shall be deemed to provide the same benefit to a female Federal employee or to her spouse or family.". Approved December 15, 1971.