Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 85.djvu/69

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PUBLIC LAW 92-000—MMMM. DD, 1971

85 STAT. ]


PUBLIC LAW 92-17-MAY 18, 1971

Public Law 92-16 AN ACT To amend the Small Business Act.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That paragraph (4) of section 4(c) of the Small Business Act is amended by striking out "$2,200,000,000" and inserting in lieu thereof "$3,100,000,000". Approved May 18, 1971.

May 18, 1971 [S. 1260]

Loan ceiling increase. 84 Stat, 1468. 15 USC 6 3 3.

Public Law 92-17 JOINT RESOLUTION To provide for an extension of section 10 of the Railway Labor Act with respect to the current railway labor-management dispute, and for other purposes.

Whereas the labor dispute between the carriers represented by the National Railway Labor Conference and the Eastern, Western, and Southeastern Carriers Conference Committees and certain of their employees represented by the Brotherhood of Railway Signalmen threatens essential transportation services of the Nation; and Whereas it is essential to the national interest, including the national health and defense, that essential transportation services be maintained; and Whereas all the procedures for resolving such dispute provided for in the Railway Labor Act have been exhausted and have not resulted in settlement of the dispute; and Whereas the Congress finds that emergency measures are essential to security and continuity of transportation services by such carriers; and Whereas it is desirable to achieve the objectives in a manner which preserves and prefers solutions reached through collective bargaining; and Whereas the recommendations of Presidential Emergency Board Numbered 179 for settlement of this dispute did not result in a settlement: Now, therefore, in order to encourage these parties to reach their own agreement, be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the provisions of the final paragraph of section 10 of the Railway Labor Act (45 U.S.C. 160) shall apply and be extended for an additional period with respect to the above dispute, so that no change, except by agreement, shall be made by the carriers represented by the National Railway Labor Conference Committees or by their employees, in the conditions out of which such dispute arose prior to 12:01 antemeridian of October 1, 1971. SEC. 2. Not later than ten days prior to the expiration date specified in the first section of this joint resolution the Secretary of Labor shall submit to the Congress a full and comprehensive report containing— (1) the progress, if any, of negotiations between the National Railway Labor Conference and the Eastern, Western, and Southeastern Carriers Conference Committees ajid their employees; and (2) any such recommendations for a proposed solution of the dispute described in this joint resolution as he deems appropriate.

May 18. 1971 [S. J. R e s. 100]

Railroads. Labor-management d i s p u t e. 44 Stat. 586.

Report to Congress.