Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 85.djvu/958

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[85 STAT. 928]
PUBLIC LAW 92-000—MMMM. DD, 1971
[85 STAT. 928]

PROCLAMATION 4074-AUG. 15, 1971


[85 STAT.

4. For the purposes of this subpart— (a) Delegation of authority to Secretary—The Secretary may from time to time take action to reduce, eliminate or reimpose the rate of additional duty herein or to establish exemption therefrom, either generally or with respect to an article which he may specify either generally or as the product of a particular country, if he determines that such action is consistent with safeguarding the balance of payments position of the United States. (b) Publication of Secretary's actions—All actions taken by the Secretary hereunder shall be in the form of modifications of this subpart published in the FEDERAL REGISTER. Any action reimposing the additional duties on an article exempted therefrom by the Secretary shall be effective only with respect to articles entered on and after the date of publication of the action in the FEDERAL REGISTER. (c) Authority to prescribe rules and regulations—The Secretary is authorized to prescribe such rules and regulations as he determines to be necessary or appropriate to carry out the provisions of this subpart. 5. Articles exempt from the additional duties—In accordance with determinations made by the Secretary in accordance with headnote 4 (a), the following described articles are exempt from the provisions of this subpart:

Rates of duty Item

Article 1

948. 00

Articles, except as exempted under headnote 5 of this subpart, which are not free of duty under these schedules and which are the subject of tariff concessions granted by the United States in trade agreements


10% ad val. No (See headnote change. 3 of this subpart.)

D. This Proclamation shall be effective 12:01 a.m., August 16, 1971. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fifteenth day of August in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and seventy-one, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and ninety-sixth.
