Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 86.djvu/1117

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[86 STAT. 1075]
PUBLIC LAW 92-000—MMMM. DD, 1972
[86 STAT. 1075]

86 STAT. ]


PUBLIC LAW 92-540-OCT. 24, 1972

SEC. 102. Chapter 34 of title 38, United States Code, is amended as follows: (1) by deleting in the last sentence of section 1677(b) "$175" and inserting in lieu thereof "$220"; (2) by amending the table contained in paragraph (1) of section 1682(a) to read as follows: Column Column Column II III IV

"Column I

No dependents

Type of program

One de- Two dependpendent ents


Column V

More than two dependents

The amount in column IV, plus the following for each dependent in excess of two: Institutional: Full-time Three-quartertime Half-timeCooperative




165 110 177

196 131 208

224 149 236

$18 14 9 14";

(3) by deleting in section 1682(b) "$175" and inserting in lieu thereof "$220"; (4) by amending the table contained in paragraph (2) of section 1682(c), as redesignated by this Act, to read as follows: Column Column Column II III IV

"Column I

No dependents


One dependent

Two dependents


p. 1081.

Column V

More than two dependents

The amount in column IV, pl\is the following for each dependent in excess of two: Full-time. _ Three-quarter-time Half-time


$177 133 89

$208 156 104

$236 177 118

$14 11


and (5) by deleting in section 1696(b) "$176" and inserting in lieu thereof "$220". SEC. 103. Chapter 35 of title 38, United States Code, is amended as follows: (1) by amending section 1732(a)(1) to read as follows: "(a)(1) The educational assistance allowance on behalf of an eligible person who is pursuing a program of education consisting of institutional courses shall be computed at the rate of (A) $220 per month

84 Stat. 8 1,

Allowance computation. 84 Stat. 77.