Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 86.djvu/1876

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[86 STAT. C32]
PUBLIC LAW 92-000—MMMM. DD, 1972
[86 STAT. C32]



^"^^ Federal R e g i s t e r: P»^« Federal Register—Continued Printing and binding, appropriation for. 447 Publication in—Continued Publication in— Social security benefits, cost-of-living Advisory committees, establishment; increase 414, 417, 1342 public meetings 774 Tinicum National Environmental Black lung benefits, regulations 154, 155 Center, Pa., description 391 Cheese, Swiss, and cheese substitutes, Federal Savings and Loan Insurance importation, prices 1647, 1648 Corporation, appropriation for 188 Consumer p r o d u c t s a f e t y. - 1213-1217, 1227 Federal Ship Financing Act of 1972 909 Cumberland Island National SeaFederal Ship Financing F u n d, redesignashore, Ga., establishment 1066 tion of Federal Ship Mortgage I n Economic Opportunity Amendments surance F u n d as 910 of 1972, guidelines 696 Federal-State Extended Unemployment Education programs, guidelines 346 Compensation Act of 1970, AmendEducational opportunity grants, ment, extended benefit period, State basic 248, 249 "off" indicator 1326 Federal Election Campaign Act of Federal-State Tax Collection Act of 1972. _ 936 1971, price index d a t a; voting age population 6 Federal Supply Service, appropriation for 187,482 Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Federal Trade Commission, appropriaRodenticide Act, pesticide tion for 611 control 980-982, 984, 996 Federal Trade Commission Act, adminisFederal W a t e r Pollution Control Act, tration and enforcement of the water pollutants, control 822, Flammable Fabrics Act, transfer of 851, 852, 861, 885 functions to Consumer Product Foreign assistance. Presidential deSafety Commission 1231 termination 29 Federal Water Pollution Control Act: Fossil B u t t e National Monument, Amendments— Wyo., establishment 1069 Administration 885 Gateway National Recreation Area, Alaska village demonstration p r o j N.Y.-N.J., establishment 1308 ects 832 Glen Canyon National Recreational Aquaculture 877 Area, Ariz.-Utah, establishment. 1311 Areawide waste t r e a t m e n t manageGolden G a t e National Recreation ment 839 Area, establishment 1299 Basin planning 843 G r a n t - K o h r s R a n c h National Historic Clean lakes 875 Site, Mont., establishment 632 Dredged or fill material, permits 884 Impounded funds, Presidential Education programs, training grants reports 1326 and contracts, scholarships 829-831 J o h n D. Rockefeller, Jr., Memorial Effluent Standards and Water Quality P a r k w a y, Wyo., establishment. 620 Information Advisory CommisMarine m a m m a l s, protection 1034-1036 sion 894 Motor vehicle safety standards, exEnvironmental Court 899 emption 1159, 1160 Extension of program 47 National Heart, Blood Vessel, Lung, Federal facilities pollution c o n t r o l — 875 and Blood Disease Program 687 Great Lakes, pollution control in 828 National parks, monuments, etc., House report, printing of additional b o u n d a r y changes 121 copies 1576 Noise control standard s 1236, In-place toxic pollutants 833 1237, 1240, 1246 International pollution a b a t e m e n t 860 Nuclear power reactors, temporary International trade s t u d y and agreeoperating license 191 ments 897, 898 Oregon Dunes National Recreation Interstate cooperation; uniform laws818 Area, establishment 99 Lake Tahoe study 833 San Francisco B a y National Wildlife Marine sanitation devices 871 Refuge, Calif., establishment 399 Mine water pollution control demonSawtooth National Recreation Area, strations 828 I d a h o, establishment 612 National pollutant discharge eliminaSeal Beach National Wildlife Refuge, tion system 880 Calif., establishment 633