Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 86.djvu/428

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[86 STAT. 386]
PUBLIC LAW 92-000—MMMM. DD, 1972
[86 STAT. 386]


PUBLIC LAW 92-322-JUNE 30, 1972

[86 STAT.

"NOW, THEREFORE, T H I S W R I T I N G W I T N E S S E T H: " I t is hereby agreed that effective September 1, 1971, the Compact entitled 'An Interstate Compact to Conserve Oil and Gas' executed within the City of Dallas, Texas, on the 16th day of February, 1935, and now on deposit with the Department of State of the United States, be and the same is hereby amended by amending the first paragraph of Article VIII thereof to read as follows: " 'This compact shall continue in effect until Congress withdraws its consent. But any state joining herein may, upon sixty (60) days" notice, withdraw herefrom.' and that said compact as so amended be. and the same is hereby renewed and extended. This agreement shall become eft'ecti\e when executed, ratified, and approved as provided in Article I of said compact as so amended. "The signatory States have executed this agreement in a single original which shall be deposited in the archives of the Department of vState of the United States and a duly certified copy thereof shall be forwarded to the Governor of each of the signatory States. Any oilproducing State may become a party hereto by executing a counterpart of this agreement to be similarly deposited, certified, and ratified. "Executed by the several undersigned States, at thieir several State capitols, through their proper officials on the dates as shown, as duly authorized by statutes and resolutions, subject to the limitations and (jualifications of the acts of the respective State Legislatures. • THE STATE OF ALABAMA By Dated: Attest: Secretary of State

(jrovenior (SEAL)

• THE STATE O P ALASKA By Dated: Attest: Secretary of State -

Governor (SEAL)

" THE STATE OF ARIZONA By Dated: Attest: Secretary of State

Governor (SEAL)

• THE STATE OF ARKANSAS By Dated: Attest: Secretary of State

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•THE STATE OF COLORADO By Dated: Attest: ^ Secretary of State • THE STATE OF F L O R I D A By Dated: Attest: Secretary of State

^, Governor (SEAL) .

, Governor (SEAL) , Governor (SEAL)