Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 86.djvu/682

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[86 STAT. 640]
PUBLIC LAW 92-000—MMMM. DD, 1972
[86 STAT. 640]


PUBLIC LAW 92-410-AUG. 29, 1972

[86 STAT.

aifo^wance or"^^^^- ^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ *^^ District of ColiimbJa Police and Fireure°me°nt^comp'en- mcirs Salary Act of 1953 (D.C. Code, sec. 4-518) is amended— sation(1) by striking out "Such" in the second sentence and inserter Stat. 75. ^j^g -j^ YiQ^ thereof "Except as otherwise provided in this section, • such"; (2) by striking out the third sentence: (3) by inserting " (a) " immediately after "SEC. 301." and by adding the following at the end thereof: "(b) The increase prescribed by subsection (a) of this section in the pension relief allowance or retirement compensation received by an individual retired from active service before the effective date of the District of Columbia Police and Firemen's Salary Act Amendments of Ante, p. 634. 1972 under the Policemen and Firemen's Retirement and Disability Act Ti\cJ%odr' ^s a result of the increase in salary provided by the District of Colum4-521 note. bia PoUcc and Firemen's Salary Act Amendments of 1972 shall not be less than 17 per centum of such allowance or compensation. "(c) Each individual retired from active service and entitled to receive a pension relief allowance or retirement compensation under the Policemen and Firemen's Retirement and Disability Act shall be .; ! V, entitled to receive, without making application therefor, with respect to each increase in salary, granted by any law which takes effect after the effective date of the District of Columbia Police and Firemen's Salary Act Amendments of 1972, to which he would be entitled if he were m active service, an increase in his pension relief allowance or retirement compensation computed as follows: His pension relief allowance or retirement compensation shall be increased by an amount equal to the product of such allowance or compensation and the per centum increase made by such law in the scheduled rate of compensation to which he would be entitled if he were in active service on the effective date of such increase in salary. Effective date. " (d) Each Increase in pension relief allowance or retirement compensation made under this section because of an increase in salary shall take effect as of the first day of the first month following the effective date of such increase in salary." Repeals. gj,^,^ ^15 (a) Section 2 of the Act of September 8, 1960 (D.C. Code, 74 Stat. 868. 3^^. 4-823b) is repealed. 76 Stat, 1240. "' " (b) Section 2 of the Act of October 24, 1962 (D.C. Code, sec. 4-823c) is retjealed. (c) Section 102 of the Act of September 2, 1964 (D.C. Code, sec. 78 Stat. 881. 4-823d) is repealed. (d) Section 102 of the District of Columbia Policemen and Fire80 Stat. 1592 men's Salary Act Amendments of 1966 (D.C. Code, sec. 4-823d-l) is 84 Stat. 357. repealed. (e) Section 2 of the District of Columbia Police and Firemen's 82 Stat. 142. Salary Act Amendments of 1968 (D.C. Code. sec. 4-82.3d-2) is repealed. (f) Section 103 of the District of Columbia Police and Firemen's 84 Stat. 355. Salary Act Amendments of 1970 (D.C. Code, sec. 4-823d-3) is repealed. Retroactive SEC. 116. (a) Retroactive compensation or salary shall be paid by compensation reason of the amendments made by this title only in the case of an individual in the service of the District of Columbia government or of the United States (including service in the Armed Forces of the United States) on the date of enactment of this Act, except that such retroactive compensation or salary shall be paid (1) to an officer or member of the Metropolitan Police force, the Fire Department of the District of Columbia, the United States P a r k Police force, or the Executive Protective Service, who retired during the period begin.tfOI ning on the first day of the first pay period which begins on or after