Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 86.djvu/736

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[86 STAT. 694]
PUBLIC LAW 92-000—MMMM. DD, 1972
[86 STAT. 694]


PUBLIC LAW 92.424-SEPT. 19, 1972

[86 STAT.

• 'oiitracts for the coiicluct of an annual youth recreation and sports program concentrated in the summer months and with continued activities througliout the year, so as to offer disadvantaged youth living in areas of rural and urban poverty an opportunity to receive such recreation and educational instruction, information, and services and to participate in such physical fitness programs and sports competitions. "(b) No assistance may be provided under this section unless satisfactory assurances are received that (1) not less than 90 per centum of the youths participating in each program to be assisted under this section are from families with incomes below the poverty level, as determined by the Director, and that such participating youths and other neighborhood residents, through the involvement of the appropriate community action agency or otherwise, will have maximum participation in program planning and operation and (2) all significant segments of the low-income population of the community to be served will be served on an equitable basis in terms of participating youths and instructional and other support personnel. "(c) Programs under this section shall be administered by the Director through grants or contracts with any qualified organization of colleges and universities or such other qualified nonprofit organizations active in the field with access to appropriate recreational facilities as the Director shall determine in accordance with regulations which he shall prescribe. Each such grant or contract and subcontract with participating institutions of higher education or other qualified organizations active in the field shall contain provisions to assure that the program to be assisted will provide a non-Federal contribution (in cash or in kind) of no less than 20 per centum of the direct costs necessary to carry out the program. Each such grant, contract, or subcontract shall include provisions for— "(1) providing opportunities for disadvantaged youth to engage in competitive sports and receive sports skills and physical fitness instruction and education in good health and nutrition practices; "(2) providing such youth with instruction and information regarding study practices, career opportunities, job responsibilities, and drug abuse; "(3) carrying out continuing related activities throughout the year; " (i) meeting the requirements of subsection (b) of this section; "(5) enabling the contractor and institutions of higher education or other qualified organizations active in the field located Conveniently to such areas of poverty and the students and personnel of such institutions or organizations active in the field to l)articipate more fully in the community life and in solutions of community problems; and "(6) serving metropolitan centers of the United States and rural areas, within the limits of program resources. " C O N S U M E R ACTION A N D COOPERATIVE PROGRAMS

"SEC. 228. (a) The Director shall make grants or enter into contracts to provide financial assistance for the development, technical assistance to and conduct of consumer action and advocacy and cooperative programs, credit resources development programs, and consumer protection and education programs designed to demonstrate various techniques and models and to carry out projects to assist and provide technical assistance to low-income persons to try to improve the (luality, improve the delivery, and lower the price of goods and services, to obtain, without undue delay or burden, financial credit at rea-