Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 86.djvu/833

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[86 STAT. 791]
PUBLIC LAW 92-000—MMMM. DD, 1972
[86 STAT. 791]



PUBLIC LAW 92-475-OCT. 9, 1972

SEC. 2. The Secretary of Agriculture may accept title to the private lands described in section 1 of the Act subject to such outstanding rights and reservations as he determines will not interfere with the purposes for which the land is being acquired. SEC. 3. The Secretary of Agriculture may reserve such rights and interests in the national forest lands described in section 1 of the Act as he deems appropriate. SEC. 4. The lands acquired by the United States as described in section 1 of this Act are hereby added to the Carson National Forest, and shall be administered in accordance with the laws, rules, and regulations applicable thereto and shall have the same status as lands withdrawn from the public domain for national forest purposes. Approved October 9, 1972.



Public Law 92-475 AN ACT To authorize the establishment of the Longfellow National Historic Site in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate arid House of Rejrresentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in order to preserve in public ownership for the benefit and inspiration of the people of the United States, a site of national historical significance containing a dwelling which is an outstanding example of colonial architecture and which served as George Washington's headquarters during the siege of Boston in 1775-1776, and from 1837 to 1882 as the home of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to acquire by donation the fee simple title to the real property and improvements thereon, together with furnishings and other personal property, situated at and known as 105 Brattle Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts, for establishment as the Longfellow National Historic Site. SEC. 2. The Secretary of the Interior is further authorized to accept the donation of not less than $200,000, and such other sums of money as may be tendered from time to time by the Trustees of the Longfellow House Trust, established pursuant to indentures dated October 28, 1913, and November 18, 1914, and such funds or any part thereof and any interest thereon, may be used exclusively for the purposes of administration, maintenance, and operation of the Longfellow National Historic Site. SEC. 3. The Longfellow National Historic Site shall be established when title to the real and personal property described in section 1 of this Act and the sum of $200,000 as set forth in section 2 of this Act have been accepted by the Secretary of the Interior, and upon such establishment, the Longfellow National Historic Site shall be administered by the Secretary of the Interior in accordance with the Act approved August 25, 1916 (39 Stat. 535), as amended and supplemented, and the Act approved August 21, 1935 (49 Stat. 666). SEC. 4. There are hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act, not to exceed, however, $586,600 (May 1971 prices) for development of the area, plus or minus such amounts, if any, as may be justified by reason of ordinary fluctuations in construction costs as indicated by engineering cost indices applicable to the types of construction involved herein. Approved October 9, 1972. 82-081 O - 73 - 53

October 9, 1972 [S.3129]

Longfellow National Historic Site, Mass. Establishment.


Administration. 16 USC 1 etseq. 16 USC 461 et seq. Appropriation.