Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/107

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PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973



PUBLIC LAW 93-43-JUNE 18, 1973


Public Law 93-43 AN ACT To amend title 38 of the United States Code in order to establish a National Cemetery System within the Veterans' Administration, and for other purposes.

June 18, 1973 [S. 49]

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That this Act may ^ National ceme.



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be cited as the 'IS ational Cemeteries Act or 1973. SEC. 2. (a) Part II of title 38. United States Code, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new chapter: "Chapter 24—NATIONAL CEMETERIES A N D MEMORIALS

t e r i e s Act oi 1 9 7 o.

72 Stat. 1117. 38 USC 3 0 1.


"1000. Establishment of National Cemetery System; composition of such system; appointment of director. "1001. Advisory committee on cemeteries and memorials. "1002. Persons eligible for interment in national cemeteries. "1003. Memorial areas. "1004. Administration. "1005. Disposition of inactive cemeteries. "1006. Acquisition of lands. "1007. Authority to accept and maintain suitable memorials.

"§1000. Establishment of National Cemetery System; composition of such system; appointment of director " (a) There shall be within the Veterans' Administration a National Cemetery System for the interment of deceased servicemen and veterans. To assist him in carrying out his responsibilities in administering the cemeteries within the System, the Administrator may appoint a Director, National Cemetery System, who shall perform such functions as may be assigned by the Administrator. " (b) The National Cemetery System shall consist of— "(1) national cemeteries transferred from the Department of the Army to the Veterans' Administration by the National Cemeteries Act of 1973; "(2) cemeteries under the jurisdiction of the Veterans' Administration on the date of enactment of this chapter; and " (3) any other cemetery, memorial, or monument transferred to the Veterans' Administration by the National Cemeteries Act of 1973, or later acquired or developed by the Administrator.

  • § 1001. Advisory Committee on Cemeteries and Memorials

"There shall be appointed by the Administrator an Advisory Committee on Cemeteries and Memorials. The Administrator shall advise and consult with the Committee from time to time with respect to the administration of the cemeteries for which he is responsible, and with respect to the selection of cemetery sites, the erection of appropriate memorials, and the adequacy of Federal burial benefits. The Committee shall make periodic reports and recommendations to the Administrator and to Congress. "§ 1002. Persons eligible for interment in national cemeteries "Under such regulations as the Administrator may prescribe and subject to the provisions of section 3505 of this title, the remains of the following persons may be buried in any open national cemetery in the National Cemetery System: "(1) Any veteran (which for the purposes of this chapter includes a person who died in the active military, naval, or air service). "(2) Any member of a Reserve component of the Armed Forces, and any member of the Army National Guard or the Air National Guard, whose death occurs under honorable conditions while he is

Reports to Administrator of Veterans ' Al'fairs and C o n g r e s s.

73 Stat. 453; 85 Stat. 348. 38 USC 3 5 0 5.