Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/1375

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PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973

SUBJECT INDEX g and the Humanities, National ^^^'^ Foundation on the: B. Everett Jordan Dam and Lake, N.C__ Aging, appraisal of personnel needs in Bank Act of 1973, Federal Financing the field of, cooperation 45 Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act, approAppropriation for 444 priation for effecting provisions


Arts and the Humanities Act of 1965, National Foundation on the. See National F o u n d a t i o n on the Arts and the Human i t i e s Act of 1965. Arts and the Humanities Amendments of 1973, National Foundation on the Asian Development Bank, appropriation for

461 1054

Asian Development Bank Act, Amendment, United States Special R e sources, authorization for funds 732 Atomic Energy Act of 1954, appropriation for effecting provisions 318 Atomic Energy Commission: Appropriation Act, 1974 318 Appropriation for 318, 1079 E U R A TO M Cooperation Act of 1958, amendment, maximum a m o u n t s of u r a n i u m 235 transferred to the Community 296 Facilities, research, etc., appropriation authorization 143 General provisions, Appropriation Act - 319, 329, 1079 Increased funds, authorization 627 Attorney General: Compensation 697 Comprehensive employment and training programs, discrimination in, civil action 882 Drugs, illicit traffic in, transfer of law enforcement functions to 1091 Federal law enforcement and criminal justice activities, biennial report - 218 P o r t s of entry, inspection of persons entering or leaving the United States, transfer of functions to Treasury Department 1091 Attorneys and Marshals, United States, appropriation for 641, 1081 Autistic Children's Week, National: Designation Proclamation

74 1218

Automated Data and Telecommunications Service, appropriation for 127,520 Aviation Act of 1958, Federal: Amendment, emergency locator t r a n s mitters


Appropriation for effecting provisions.. _ 332, 333,338 Aviation Administration, Federal, appropriation for 115,120,332

09 Paire 510 937 478

Bankruptcy Act, Amendment, full-time referees, salaries 838 Bankruptcy Laws of the United States, Commission on the: Extension 140 Report, reprinted as corrected 1129 Banks and Banking: Asian Development B a n k — Appropriation for 1054 United States Special Resources, authorization of funds 732 Depository institutions, certain withdrawls, prohibition 342 E x p o r t - I m p o r t B a n k of the United States, appropriation for 1055 Federal Deposit Insurance Act, amendments— Interest rates, regulatory authority, extension 147, 342 Noninsured banks, interest rates, extension of authority 342 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation— Investment in State housing corporations, regulatory authority 344 Time and savings deposits, interest rates, limitation 449 Federal Financing Bank Act of 1973 937 Federal H o m e Loan B a n k Act, amendment, interest rates, regulatory authority, extension 147, 342 Federal H o m e Loan B a n k B o a r d — Appropriation for 501 Time and savings deposits, interest rates, limitation 449 Federal Reserve Act, amendments — Federal Reserve banks, purchase of United States obligations directly from the Treasury, extension 314 I n t e r e s t rates, regulatory authority, extension 147, 342 Federal Reserve System— Board of Governors, investment in State housing corporations, regulatory authority 344 Time and savings deposits, interest rates, limitation 449 Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, investment in State housing corporations, regulatory authority 344 Inter-American Development Bank, appropriation for 1055 I n t e r e s t rates, regulatory authority, extension 147