Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/1429

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[87 STAT. C63]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. C63]



President of the United States, Reports ^"^^ Prisoners, Political, countries interning P*W to—Continued citizens, restriction on assistance, National Railroad Passenger Corporacongressional request 733 tion— Prisoners, United States, appropriation Budget estimates; legislative recomfor support of 643 mendations 553 Prisoners of War and Missing in Action, adherence to signed agreements 733 Filing date, extension 551 Prisons, Bureau of, appropriation for. 125, 643 Small Business Administration, state of small business, annual 1025 Proclamations: American Education Week, 1973 1214 Transportation, Department of— American Heart Month, 1973 1161 Pipelines, potential or actual exploBill of Rights Day and Human Rights sions or spillage on Federal Day and Week 1142 lands, annual 583 Bill of Rights Day—Human Rights Day Railroad-highway crossings, demonand Week 1263 stration projects 281 Cancer Control Month, 1973 1181 United States Railway Associaton, Captive Nations Week, 1973 1230 annual 991 Child Health Day, 1973 1249 President of the United States, Reports Citizenship Day and Constitution to for Transmittal to Congress: Week 1240 ACTION, activities 410 Columbus Day, 1973 1233 Aging, Administration on, annual 35 Commemorating the Opening of the Civil Service Commission, employee Upper Mississippi River 1216 training, administration and operaCountry Music Month, October 1973.. 1252 tion of 623 Drug Abuse Prevention Week, 1973... 1256 District of Columbia, Federal payment Earth Week, 1973 1170 request 812, 836 Father's Day. 1973 1217 Federal Council on the Aging, annual.. 34 Fire Prevention Week, 1973. __ 1248 International organizations and proFlag Day and National Flag Week, grams, independent review groups. 718 1973 1213 Labor, Department of, employment Flag of the United States, display in and occupational requirements, honor of Vietnam prisoners of war. 1163 training, etc 879 General Pulaski's Memorial Day 1234 National Voluntary Service Advisory Honor America, 1973 1215 Council, ACTION programs 409 International Clergy Week in the United Presidential Election Campaign Fund Act States 1156 of 1966, Amendments, designation Designation. _ 4 by individuals; payments to eligible Jim Thorpe Day 1186 candidates 138 Designation. _ 23 Presidential Election of 1972, illegal, imJohnny Horizon '76 Clean Up America proper, or unethical activities during, Month 1251 hearings on, printing of additional Designation _ 351 copies. _ 1125 Johnson, Lyndon Baines, national day President's Committee on Employment of of mourning 1154 the Handicapped, cooperation with Law Day, U.S.A., 1973 1169 the Department of Labor and the Leif Erikson Day, 1973 1235 Department of Health, Education, Loyalty Day. 1973 1177 and Welfare 391 Meats, import limitations on certain... 1157 President's Inter-Agency Economic AdMother's Day, 1973 1209 justment Committee, certain defense National Action for Foster Children facilities, use for community economic Week, 1973 1174 development, report 97 President's National Commission on ProNational Arthritis Month, 1973 1201 ductivity, extension of authorization.. 72 Designation 23 Pribllof Islands, appropriation for adNational Autistic Children's Week, ministration of 648 1973 1218 Prison Industries, Incorporated, Federal, Designation 74 appropriation for» 658 National Beta Club Week 1168 Prison System, Federal, appropriation National Clean Water Week 1185 for 113, 125, 643, 1081 Designation -22 Prisoners, Federal, extension of limits National Day of Prayer, 1973 1253 of confinement 907