Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/422

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[87 STAT. 390]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. 390]

390 Report to Congress.

PUBLIC LAW 93-112-SEPT. 26, 1973

[87 STAT.

(b) Not later than June 30, 1974, the Secretary shall report to the Congress his findings and recommendations, including recommendations for additional legislation, with respect to the study required by this section, which report shall include recommendations with respect to allotment of Federal funds among the States and the Federal share of the cost of furnishing vocational rehabilitation services by the States. TITLE V—MISCELLANEOUS EFFECT ON EXISTING LAW

Repeal. 68 Stat. 652; 79 Stat. 1282; 82 Stat. 297. Unused funds. Savings provision.

Appropriations, extension.

SEC. 500. (a) The Vocational Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 31 et seq.) is repealed ninety days after the date of enactment of this Act and references to such Vocational Rehabilitation Act in any other provision of law shall, ninety days after such date, be deemed to be references to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Unexpended appropriations for carrying out the Vocational Rehabilitation Act may be made available to carry out this Act, as directed by the President. Approved State plans for vocational rehabilitation, approved projects, and contractual arrangements authorized under the Vocational Rehabilitation Act will be recognized under comparable provisions of this Act so that there is no disruption of ongoing activities for which there is continuing authority. (b) The authorizations of appropriations in the Vocational Rehabilitation Act are hereby extended at the level specified for the fiscal year 1972 for the fiscal year 1973. EMPLOYMENT OF HANDICAPPED INDIVIDUALS

Interagency Committee on Handicapped Employees. Establishment. 83 Stat. 864. 5 USC 5315 note.

Committee functions.

Federal agencies, affirmative action program plans.

SEC. 501. (a) There is established within the Federal Government an Interagency Committee on Handicapped Employees (hereinafter in this section referred to as the "Committee"), comprised of such members as the President may select, including the following (or their designees whose positions are Executive Level IV or higher): the Chairman of the Civil Service Commission, the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs, and the Secretaries of Labor and Health, Education, and Welfare. The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and the Chairman of the Civil Service Commission shall serve as co-chairmen of the Committee. The resources of the President's Committees on Employment of the Handicapped and on Mental Retardation shall be made fully available to the Committee. I t shall be the purpose and function of the Committee (1) to provide a focus for Federal and other employment of handicapped individuals, and to review, on a periodic basis, in cooperation with the Civil Service Commission, the adequacy of hiring, placement, and advancement practices with respect to handicapped individuals, by each department, agency, and instrumentality in the executive branch of Government, and to insure that the special needs of such individuals are being met; and (2) to consult with the Civil Service Commission to assist the Commission to carry out its responsibilities under subsections (b), (c), and (d) of this section. On the basis of such review and consultation, the Committee shall periodically make to the Civil Service Commission such recommendations for legislative and administrative changes as it deems necessary or desirable. The Civil Service Commission shall timely transmit to the appropriate committees of Congress any such recommendations. (b) Each department, agency, and instrumentality (including the United States Postal Service and the Postal Rate Commission) in the executive branch shall, within one hundred and eighty days after the date of enactment of this Act, submit to the Civil Service Commission