Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/429

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[87 STAT. 397]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. 397]

87 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 93-113-OCT. 1, 1973


in teams with nationally recruited specialist volunteers. Prior to the assignment of any such community volunteer, the Director shall insure that each such volunteer is provided an individual plan designed to provide an opportunity for job advancement or for transition to a situation leading to gainful employment. One hundred and twenty days prior to the completion of such community volunteer's term of service, the Director shall insure that such plan is updated and reviewed with the volunteer. (c) Except as provided in subsection (d), the assignment of volunteers under this section shall be on such terms and conditions (including restrictions on political activities that appropriately recognize the special status of volunteers living among the persons or groups served by programs to which they have been assigned) as the Director may determine, including work assignments in their own or nearby communities. (d) Volunteers under this part shall not be assigned to duties or ^^^°F.^"li ^"^ ! •




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work m any btate unless such program has been submitted to the Governor or other chief executive officer of the State concerned, and has not been disapproved by him within forty-five days of such submission. The assignment of a volunteer shall be terminated by the Director when so requested by the Governor or chief executive officer of the State concerned not later than thirty days after such request has been made, or at a time after such request has been made as agreed upon by such Governor or chief executive officer of the State concerned and the Director. TERMS AXD PERIODS OF SERVICE

SEC. 104. (a) Volunteers serving under this part shall be required to make a full-time personal commitment to combating poverty and poverty-related human, social, and environmental problems. To the maximum extent practicable, this shall include a commitment to live among and at the economic level of the people served, and to remain available for service without regard to regular working hours, at all times during their periods of service, except for authorized periods of leave. (b) Volunteers serving under this part may be enrolled for periods of service not exceeding two years, but for not less than one-year periods of service, except that volunteers serving under this part may be enrolled for periods of service of less than one year when the Director determines, on an individual basis, that a period of service of less than one year is necessary to meet a critical scarce-skill need. Volunteers serving under this part may be reenrolled for periods of service totaling not more than two years. No volunteer shall serve for more than a total of five years under this part. (c) Volunteers under this part shall, upon enrollment, take the oath of office as prescribed in section 5(j) of the Peace Corps Act, as amended (22 U.S.C. 2504(j)), except that persons legally residing within a State but who are not citizens or nationals of the United States, may serve under this part without taking or subscribing to such oath, if the Director determines that the service of such persons will further the interests of the United States. Such persons shall take such alternative oath or affirmation as the Director shall deem appropriate.


75 Stat. 613.