Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/499

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[87 STAT. 467]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. 467]



PUBLIC LAW 93-134-OCT. 19, 1973

SEC. 3. (a) The Secretary shall prepare a plan which shall best serve the interests of all those entities and individuals entitled to receive funds of each Indian judgment. Prior to the final preparation of the plan, the Secretary shall— (1) receive and consider any resolution or communication, together with any suggested use or distribution plan, which any affected Indian tribe may wish to submit to him; and (2) hold a hearing of record, after appropriate public notice, to obtain the testimony of leaders and members of the Indian tribe which may receive any portion, or be affected by the use or distribution, of such funds, in the area in which such Indian tribe is located and at a time which shall best serve the convenience of the eligible members thereof. (b) I n preparing a plan for the use or distribution of the funds of each Indian judgment, the Secretary shall, among other things, be assured that—• (1) le^al, financial, and other expertise of the Department of the Interior has been made fully available in an advisory capacity to the Indian tribe which is entitled to such funds to assist it to develop and communicate to the Secretary pursuant to clause (1) of subsection (a) of this section its own suggested plan for the distribution and use of such funds; (2) the needs and desires of any groups or individuals who are in a minority position, but who are also entitled to receive such funds, have been fully ascertained and considered; (3) the interests of minors and other legally incompetent persons who are entitled to receive any portion of such funds as are subsequently distributed to them are and will be protected and preserved; (4) any provision, including enrollment provisions, of the constitution, bylaws, rules, and procedures of such tribe which may affect the distribution or other use of such funds are in full accord with the principles of fairness and equity; (5) a significant portion of such funds shall be set aside and programed to serve common tribal needs, educational requirements, and such other purposes as the circumstances of the affected Indian tribe may justify, except not less than 20 per centum of such funds shall be so set aside and programed unless the Secretary determines that the particular circumstances of the pertinent Indian tribe clearly warrant otherwise; and (6) methods exist and will be employed to insure the proper performance of the plan once it becomes effective under section 5 of this Act. SEC. 4. When submitting the plan as provided in section 2, the Secretary shall also submit to the Congress with such plan— (1) copies of the transcripts of hearings held by him concerning the Indian judgment pursuant to clause (2) of section 3(a) and all other papers and documents considered by him in the preparation of such plan, including any resolution, communication, or suggested use or distribution plan of the pertinent Indian tribe submitted pursuant to clause (1) of section 3(a); and (2) a statement of the extent to which such plan reflects the desires of the Indian tribe or individuals who are entitled to such funds, which statement shall specify the alternatives, if any, proposed by such Indian tribe or individuals in lieu of such plan, together with an indication of the degree of support among the interested parties for each such alternative.

467 P r e r e q u i s i t e s to final preparation.

Guidelines for plan formulation.

Hearing trans c r i p t s and tribal support s t a t e ments, submittal to C o n g r e s s.