Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/584

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[87 STAT. 552]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. 552]

552 F a c i l i t i e s and services agreements. 84 Stat. 1335; 86 Stat. 229.

Disagreement procedures.

Ante, p. 550.

Intercity p a s senger train preference.

80 Stat. 383.

Accelerated speeds.

PUBLIC LAW 93-146-NOV. 3, 1973

[87 STAT.

SEC. 10. Section 402 of the Rail Passenger Service Act of 1970 (45 U.S.C. 562), relating to facility and service agreements, is amended— (1) by inserting immediately after the second sentence of subsection (a) the following new sentence: " I n fixing just and reasonable compensation for the provision of services ordered by the Commission under the preceding sentence, the Commission shall, in fixing compensation in excess of incremental costs, consider quality of service as a major factor in determining the amount (if any) of such compensation."; and (2) by adding at the end thereof the following new subsections: " (d)(1) If the Corporation and a railroad are unable to agree upon terms for the sale to the Corporation of property (including interests in property) owned by the railroad and required for the construction of tracks or other facilities necessary to provide intercity rail passenger service, the Corporation may apply to the Commission for an order establishing the need of the Corporation for the property at issue and requiring the conveyance thereof from the railroad to the Corporation on reasonable terms and conditions, including just compensation. Unless the Commission finds that^— " (A) conveyance of the property to the Corporation would significantly impair the ability of the railroad to carry out its obligations as a common carrier; and " (B) the obligations of the Corporation to provide modern, efficient, and economical rail passenger service can adequately be met by the acquisition of alternative property (including interests in property) which is available for sale on reasonable terms to the Corporation, or available to the Corporation by the exercise of its authority under section 305(d) of this Act; the need of the Corporation for the property shall be deemed to be established and the Commission shall order the conveyance of the l^roperty to the Corporation on such reasonable terms and conditions as it may prescribe, including just compensation. "(2) The Commission shall expedite proceedings under this subsection and, in any event, issue its order within one hundred and twenty days from receipt of the application from the Corporation. If just compensation has not been determined on the date of the order, the order shall require, as part of just compensation, interest at the rate of 6 per centum per annum from the date prescribed for conveyance until just compensation is jpaid. "(e)(1) Except in an emergency, intercity passenger trains operated by or on behalf of the Corporation shall be accorded preference over freight trains in the use of any given line of track, junction, or crossing, unless the Secretary has issvied an order to the contrary in accordance with paragraph (2) of this subsection. "(2) Any railroad whose rights with regard to freight train operation are affected by paragraph (1) of this subsection may file an application w4th the Secretary requesting appropriate relief. If, after hearing under section 553 of title 5 of the United States Code, the Secretary finds that adherence to such paragraph (1) will materially lessen the quality of freight service provided to shippers, the Secretary shall issue an order fixing rights of trains, on such terms and conditions as are just and reasonable. " (f) If, upon request of the Corporation, a railroad refuses to permit accelerated speeds by trains operated by or on behalf of the Corporation, the Corporation may apply to the Secretary for an order requiring the railroad to permit such accelerated speeds. The Secretary shall make findings as to whether such accelerated speeds are unsafe or otherwise impracticable, and with respect to the nature and extent