Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/731

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[87 STAT. 699]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. 699]

87 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 93-179-DEC. 11, 1973

exercise those powers that are necessary to enable him to carry out efficiently and in the public interest the purposes of this Act. (g) Financial and administrative services (including those related to budgeting, accounting, financial reporting, personnel, and procurement) shall be provided the Administration by the Department of the Interior, for which payment shall be made in advance, or by reimbursement, from funds of the Administration in such amounts as may be agreed upon by the Administrator and the Secretary of the Interior: Provided, That the regulations of the Department of the Interior for the collection of indebtedness of personnel resulting from erroneous payments made to or on behalf of an Administration employee and regulations of said Secretary for the administrative control of funds (31 U.S.C. 665 (g)) shall apply to appropriations of the Administration: And provided further, That the Administrator shall not be required to prescribe such regulations. (h) Any property acq[uired by the Administration and which remains upon its termination shall be transferred to the Secretary of the Interior for use by him under section 7(b) of this Act, or shall be disposed of by the Secretary as excess or surplus property as otherwise provided by law. (i) Whoever, except as authorized under rules and regulations issued by the Administrator, knowingly manufactures, reproduces, or uses any logos, symbols, or marks originated under authority of and certified by the Administrator for use in connection with the commemoration of the American Revolution Bicentennial, or any facsimile thereof, or holds out to the public objects in such a manner as to suggest any such logos, symbols, or marks not officially authorized by the Administrator, shall be fined not more than $250 or imprisoned not more than six months or both: Provided, That this section shall be applicable upon publication in the Federal Register of notification of certification hereunder by the Administrator with respect to each such logo, symbol, or mark. SEC. 3. (a) There is hereby established an American Revolution Bicentennial Advisory Council (hereinafter referred to as the "Council") to be composed of twenty-five members appointed by the President, no more than fifteen of whom shall be appointed from the same political party. The members shall serve at the pleasure of the President, and their terms of office shall not extend beyond the termination date of the Administration. Members of the Council shall be chosen from private life and shall be broadly representative of the Nation's people. I n appointing persons to the Council, the President shall give due consideration to the contributions, among others, of the Nation's youth, women, elders, racial and ethnic minorities, artists and craftsmen, and learned professions. The Administrator shall serve as an ex officio member of the Council. The Council shall meet at least once every two months and shall hold other meetings at the call of the Chairman, the Administrator, or a majority of its members, and shall render advice to the Administrator on all matters relating to the purposes of this Act. (b) Vacancies on the Council shall be filled in the same manner in which original appointments were made. (c) The Members of the Council shall receive no compensation for their services as such, but shall be allowed such necessary travel expenses and per diem as are authorized for individuals serving without pay under section 5703, of title 5, United States Code. (d) The chairman and vice chairman and other appropriate officers of the Council shall be elected by and from members of the Council other than the Administrator.


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