Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/831

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[87 STAT. 799]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. 799]



PUBLIC LAW 93-198-DEC. 24, 1973


year shall not exceed estimated resources from existing sources and proposed resources; (2) an annual budget message which shall include supporting financial and statistical information on the budget for the forthcoming fiscal year and information on the approved budgets and expenditures for the immediately preceding three fiscal years; (3) a multiyear plan for all agencies of the District government as required under section 443; (4) a multiyear capital improvements plan for all agencies of the District govenment as required under section 444; (5) a program performance report comparing actual performance of as many programs as is practicable for the last completed fiscal year a^^ainst proposed goals for such programs for such year, and, in addition, presentinj^ as many qualitative or quantitative measures of program effectiveness as possible (including results of statistical sampling or other special analyses), and indicating the status of efforts to comply with the reports of the District of Columbia Auditor and the Comptroller General of the United States; (6) an issue analysis statement consisting of a reasonable number of issues, identified by the Council in its action on the budget in the preceding fiscal year, having significant revenue or budgetary implications, and other similar issues selected by the Mayor, which shall consider the cost and benefits of alternatives and the rationale behind action recommended or adopted; and (7) a summary of the budget for the forthcoming fiscal year designed for distribution to the general public. (b) The budget prepared and submitted by the Mayor shall include, but not be limited to, recommended expenditures at a reasonable level for the forthcoming fiscal year for the Council, the District of Columbia Auditor, the District or Columbia Board of Elections, the District of Columbia Judicial Nomination Commission, the Zoning Commission of the District of Columbia, the Public Service Commission, the Armory Board, and the Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure. (c) The Mayor from time to time may prepare and submit to the supplemental Council such proposed supplemental or deficiency budget recom- mendat "nsTsubmendations as in his judgment are necessary on account of laws enacted mittai to council, after transmission o^ the budget or are otherwise in the public interest. The Mayor shall submit with such proposals a statement of justifications, including reasons for their omission from the annual budget. Whenever such proposed supplemental or deficiency budget recommendations are in an amount which would result in expenditures in excess of estimated resources, the Mayor shall make such recommendations as are necessary to increase resources to meet such increased expenditures. MULTIYEAR PLAN

SEC. 443. The Mayor shall prepare and include in the annual budget a multiyear plan for all agencies included in the District budget, for all sources of funding, and for such program categories as the Mayor identifies. Such plan shall be based on the actual experience of the immediately preceding three fiscal years, on the approved current fiscal year budget, and on estimates for at least the four succeedingfiscalyears. The plan shall include, but not be limited to, provisions identifying— (1) future cost implications of maintaining programs at currently authorized levels, including anticipated changes in wage, salary, and benefit levels;