Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/844

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[87 STAT. 812]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. 812]

812 69 Stat. 699; ^^D^c.^'Jodl* 11101 note.

PUBLIC LAW 93-198-DEC. 24, 1973

[87 STAT.

^f Columbia Election Act. The election of the members of the Board of P^ducation shall be conducted on a nonpartisan basis and in accordance with such Act. TITLE V—FEDERAL PAYMENT DUTIES OF THE MAYOR, C O U X C I L, AND FEDERAL OFFICE OF M A N A G E M E N T AND BUDGET

SEC. 501. (a) I t shall be the duty of the Mayor in preparing an annual budget for the government of the District to develop meaningful intercity expenditure and revenue comparisons based on data supplied by the Bureau of the Census, and to identify elements of cost and benefits to the District which result from the unusual role of the District as the Nation's Capital. The results of the studies conducted by the Mayor under this subsection shall be made available to the Council and to the Federal Office of Management and Budget for their use in reviewing and revising the Mayor's request with respect to the level of the appropriation for the annual Federal payment to the District. Such Federal payment should operate to encourage eiforts on the part of the government of the District to maintain and increase its level of revenues and to seek such efficiencies and economies in the management of its programs as are possible. (b) The Mayor, in studying and identifying the costs and benefits to the District brought about by its role as the Nation's Capital, should to the extent feasible, among other elements, consider— (1) revenues unobtainable because of the relative lack of taxable Commercial and industrial property; (2) revenues unobtainable because of the relative lack of taxable business income; (3) potential revenues that would be realized if exemptions from District taxes were eliminated; (4) net costs, if any, after considering other compensation for tax base deficiencies and direct and indirect taxes paid, of providing services to tax-exempt nonprofit organizations and corporate offices doing business only with the Federal Government; (5) recurring and nonrecurring costs of unreimbursed services to the Federal Government; (6) other expenditure re(piirements placed on the District by the Federal Government which are unique to the District; (7) benefits of Federal grants-in-aid relative to aid given other States and local governments; (8) recurring and nonrecurring costs of unreimbursed services rendered the District by the Federal Government; and (9) relative tax burden on District residents compared to that of residents in other jurisdictions in the Washington, District of Columbia, metropolitan area and in other cities of comparable size. re^ue^t'^^^ Payment ^(.) ^ h e Mayor shall submit his request, with respect to the amount of an annual Federal payment, to the Council. The Council shall by pfe^'id'e'nt^^ *° act approve, disapprove, or modify the Mayor's request. After the action of the Council, the Mayor shall, by December 1 of each calendar year, in accordance with the provisions in the Budget and Account42 Stat. 20. ii^j,. Act, 1921 (31 U.S.C. 2), submit such request to the President for submission to the Congress. Each request regarding an annual Federal payment shall be submitted to the President seven months prior to the beginning of the fiscal year for which such request is made and shall include a request for an annual Federal payment for the next following fiscal year.