Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/887

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[87 STAT. 855]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. 855]



PUBLIC LAW 93-203-DEC. 28, 1973



SEC. 208. (a) The Secretary shall not provide financial assistance for any program or activity nnder this title unless he determines, in accordance with such regulations as he shall prescribe, that— (1) the program (A) will result in an increase in emj;)Ioyment opportunities over those opportunities which would otherwise be available, (B) Avill not result in the displacement of currently employed workers (including partial displacement such as a reduction in the hours of non-overtime work or wages or employment benefits), (C) will not impair existing contracts for services or result in the substitution of Federal for other funds in connection with work that would otherwise be performed, and (D) will not substitute public service jobs for existing federally assisted (2) persons employed in public service jobs under this Act shall be paid wages which shall not be lower than whichever is the highest of (A) the minimum wage which would be applicable to the employee under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, if section 6(a)(1) of such title applied to the participant and if he were not exempt under section 13 thereof, (B) the State or local minimum wage for the most nearly comparable covered employment, or (C) the prevailing rates of pay for persons employed in similar public occupations by the same employer; (3) funds under this title will not be used to pay persons employed in public service jobs under this title at a rate in excess of $10,000 per year; (4) all persons employed in public service jobs under this title will be assured of workmen's compensation, health insurance, unemployment insurance, and other benefits at the same levels and to the same extent as other employees of the employer and to working conditions and promotional opportunities neither more nor less favorable than such other employees enjoy; (5) the provisions of section 2(a)(3) of Public Law 89-286 (relating to health and safety conditions) shall apply to such program or activity; (6) the program will, to the maximum extent feasible, contribute to the occupational development or upward mobility of individual participants; (7) no funds under this title will be used for the acquisition of, or for the rental or leasing of supplies, equipment, materials, or real property; and (8) every participant shall be advised, prior to entering upon employment, of his rights and benefits in connection with such employment. (b) Consistent with the provisions of this title, the Secretary shall make financial assistance under this title available in such a manner that, to the extent practicable, public service employment opportunities will be available on an equitable basis in accordance with the purposes of this title among significant segments of the population of unemployed persons, giving consideration to the relative numbers of unemploved persons in each such segment. (c) Where a labor organization represents employees who are engaged in similar work in the same area to that proposed to be performed under any program for which an application is being developed for submission under this title, such organization shall be notified nnd afforded a reasonable period of time prior to the submission of the a]:)plication in which to make comments to the applicant and to the Secretary. (d) The Secretary shall prescribe regulations to assure that pro-

52 Stat. 1050; 63 Stat. 910. 29 USC 201 note. 29 USC 206. 29 USC 213.

79 Stat. 1034. 41 USC 351.

Labor organizations, notification.
