Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/892

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[87 STAT. 860]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. 860]


PUBLIC LAW 93-203-DEC. 28, 1973

[87 STAT.

improvement, or beautification of the community or areas served by the program; (5) special programs which provide unemployed or low-income persons with jobs leading to career opportunities, including new types of careers, in programs designed to improve the physical, social, economic, or cultural condition of the community or area served; (6) special services, when required, for middle-aged and older men and women, including recruitment, placement, and counseling for such persons who are unemployed as a result of the closing of a plant or factory or a permanent large-scale reduction in the work force of a locality, and provide grants to or contracts with prime sponsors to assist such sponsors in securing parttime or temporary employment for middle-aged and older persons; and (7) other manpower programs conducted by community-based organizations. (b) To the maximum extent feasible, programs or components of programs conducted under this section shall be linked to comprehensive work and training programs conducted by prime sponsors under title I of this Act, but the Secretary may provide financial assistance to a public agency or private organization other than a prime sponsor to carry out one or more component programs described in subsection (a) when he determines, after soliciting and considering comments of the appropriate prime sponsor, if any, that such assistance would enhance program effectiveness. I n the case of programs under subsection (a)(1) of this section, financial assistance may be provided directly to local or State education agencies, after consultation with the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, for the operation of such programs. C O N S U L T A T I O N W I T H SECRETARY OF H E A L T H, E D U C A T I O N, A N D W E L F A R E

SEC, 306. The Secretary of Labor shall consult with the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, with respect to arrangements for services of a health, education, or welfare character under this Act, and the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall solicit the advice and comments of State educational agencies with respect to education services. Such services include but are not limited to basic or general education; educational programs conducted for offenders; institutional training; health care, child care, and other supportive services; and new careers and job restructuring in the health, education, and welfare professions. When the Secretary of Labor arranges for the provision of basic education and vocational training directly, pursuant to the provisions of this title, he shall obtain the approval of the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare for such arrangements. PART B—KESEARCH, TRAINING, AND EVALUATION RESEARCH

SEC. 311. (a) To assist the Nation in expanding work opportunities and assuring access to those opportunities for all who desire it, the Secretary shall establish a comprehensive program of manpower research utilizing the methods, techniques, and knowledge of the behavioral and social sciences and such other methods,, techniques, and knowledge as will aid in the solution of the Nation's manpower problems. This program will include, but not be limited to, studies, the findings of which may contribute to the formulation of manpower policy; development or improvement of manpower programs; increased