Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/902

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[87 STAT. 870]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. 870]


Copies to Secretary.

PUBLIC LAW 93-203-DEC. 28, 1973

[87 STAT.

iliG payiiuMit. of the i\'iuljiistiiu'iit iillowiuuv and iiiainraiu the same types of records ivgardino- fonner eiirollees as are hereiu specified for niaintenance by public employment sej\ice offices, and shall furnisli copies of such records to the Secretary. In the case of eiirollees who are placed in jobs by the Secretary prior to the termination of their participation in the fFob Corps, the Secretary shall maintain records providing- pertinent placement and follow-nj) information. KV.VIA'ATIOX: KXl'KKIMKXTAL A M) l)KVKr/>r:\M-:X'rAL PHOJKCTS

SKO. 418. (a) The Secretary shall provide for the carefid and systematic evalnation of the Job Corps program. directly or by contracting for independent eAalnations, with a \ie\v to measuring specific benefits, so far as pi-acticable. and providing information needed to assess the effectiveness of program procedures, policies, and methods of operation. In particular, this evaluation shall seek to determine the costs and benefits resulting from the use of residential as opposed to nonresidential facilities, from the use of facilities combining residential and nonresidential components, f I'om the use of centers with large

is opposed to small enrollments, and from the use of dirt'erent types

of program sponsors, including public agencies, institutions of higher education, boards of education, and private corporations. The evaluation shall also include comparisons with pi'0pe]- control groups composed of persons who have not participated in the program. In cari-ying out such evaluations, the Secretary shall arrange for obtaining the opinions of participants alxmt the strengths and weaknesses of the program and shall consult with other agencies and officials in order to compare the relative effectiveness of.lob Corps techniques with those used in other programs, and shall endeavor to secure, through employers, schools, or other Government and private agencies specific informationconcerning the residence of former eni-ollees, their employment status, compensation, and success in adjusting to community life. The Secretary shall also secure, to the extent feasible, similar information directly from enrollees at appropriate intervals following Annual report tluMi' comjiletion of the Jol) Corps program. The results of such evaluasummary, pubiica- ^-^^^^ gljall be publislied aiul shall be summarized in the annual report of the Secretary. tr^cTs"*^^ °'^ '^°^' ^^^^ '^'^^ Secretary may undertake or make grants or contracts for experimental, research, or demonstration projects directed to developing or testing ways of seoiring the better use of facilities, of encouraging a more rapid adjustment of enrollees to comumnity life that will permit a reduction in the period of tlieii- eni-ollment. of leducing transportation ami suppoit costs, or of otherwise promoting greater efficiency and effectiveness in the program authorized under this part. These projects shall include one or more projects providing youths with education, ti-aining. and other supportive services on a combined Pilot projects. I'esideiitial and nonresidential basis. The Secretary may, if he deems it advisable, undertake one or more pilot projects designed to involve youth who h a \ e a history of serious and violent behavior against persons or property, repetitive delinquent acts, narcotics addiction, or Consultation other behavloral aberrations. Projects under this subsection shall be Trai o°r s^tate^gen- <leveloped after appj'opriate consultation with other Federal or State agencies conducting similar or related programs or projects and with cies. the prime sponsors, in the communities where the projects will be carried out. They may be undertaken jointly with other Federal or federally assisted programs, and funds otherwise a^•ailable for activities under those programs shall, with the consent of the head of any agency concerned, be available to projects under this section to the extent they include the same or substantially similar activities. The Secretary may wai\e any pi-ovision of this title which he finds would