Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/965

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[87 STAT. 933]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. 933]

87 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 93-222-DEC. 29, 1973


" (b) The Comptroller General shall also conduct a study of the ^^^^yeconomic effects on employers resulting from their compliance with the requirements of section 1310. The Comptroller General shall report g report to Coness. to the Congress the results of such study not later than thirty-six months after the date of the enactment of this title. •'(c) The Comptroller General shall evaluate (1) the operations ^bf Evaluation. distinct categories of health maintenance organizations in comparison with each other, (2) health maintenance organizations as a group in comparison with alternative forms of health care delivery, and (3) the impact that health maintenance organizations, individually, by category, and as a group, have on the health of the public. The Comp- Report to controller General shall report to the Congress the results of such ^^^^^ evaluation not later than thirty-six months after the date of the enactment of this title. "ANNUAL REPORT

1315. (a) The Secretary shall periodically review the programs of assistance authorized by this title and make an annual report to the Congress of a summary of the activities under each program. The Secretary shall include in such summary— " (1) a summary of each grant, contract, loan, or loan guarantee made under this title in the period covered by the report and a list of the health maintenance organizations which during such period became qualified health maintenance organizations for purposes of section 1310; "(2) the statistics and other information reported in such period to the Secretary in accordance with section 1301(c) (11); "(3) findings with respect to the ability of the health maintenance organizations assisted under this title— " (A) to operate on a fiscally sound basis without continued Federal financial assistance, " (B) to meet the requirements of section 1301(c) respecting their organization and operation, " (C) to provide basic and supplemental health services in the manner prescribed by section 1301(b), " (D) to include indigent and high-risk individuals in their membership, and " (E) to provide services to medically underserved populations; and "(4) findings with respect to— " (A) the operation of distinct categories of health maintenance organizations in comparison with each other, " (B) health maintenance organizations as a group in comparison with alternative forms of health care delivery, and " (C) the impact that health maintenance organizations, individually, by category, and as a group, have on the health of the public. "(b) The Office of Management and Budget may review the Secretary's report under subsection (a) before its submission to the Congress, but the Office may not revise the report or delay its submission. and it may submit to the Congress its comments (and those of other departments or agencies of the Government) respecting such report." '*SEC.


Review, report ° °"^^^^'

Review. „.^,°f™^'^*^i^'"

mlttal to Congress.


SEC. 3. Title T i l of the Public Health Service Act is amended by g/staues!^ adding at the end thereof the following new part: 42 USC 2*41.