Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 1.djvu/1046

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[88 STAT. 1002]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 1002]


PUBLIC LAW 93-406-SEPT. 2, 1974

[88 STAT.

each House of Congress on the same day and shall be delivered to the Clerk of the House of Representatives if the House is not in session and to the Secretary of the Senate if the Senate is not in session. (8) The 120 day period referred to in paragraph (1) siiall be computed by excluding— (A) the days on which either House is not in session because of an adjournment of more than 3 days to a day certain or an adjournment of the Congress sine die, and (B) any Saturday and Sunday, not excluded under subparagraph (A), when either House is not in session. (9) This subsection is enacted by the Congress— (A) as an exercise of the rulemaking power of the House of Representatives and the Senate, respectively, and as such they are deemed a part of the rules of each House, respectively, but applicable only with respect to the procedure to be followed in that House in the case of resolutions of disapproval described in paragraph (2); and they supersede other rules only to the extent that they are inconsistent therewith; and (B) with full recognition of the constitutional right of either House to change the rules (so far as relating to the procedures of that House) at any time, in the same manner and to the same extent as in the case of any other rule of that House.


29 USC 1241.

gj,(._ 3041. The Secretary of Labor and the Secretary of the Treasury shall, not later than the last day of the first calendar month beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act, establish a Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries (hereinafter in this part referred to as the "Joint Board"). E N R O L L M E N T BY JOINT BOARD

uaUffcaUonT'^ "29 USC 1242.

^^^- ^^^^- (^) '^'^^ Jolnt Board shall, by regulations, establish reasonable standards and qualifications for persons performing actuarial services with respect to plans in which this Act applies and, upon application by any individual, shall enroll such individual if the Joint Board finds that such individual satisfies such standards and qualifications. With respect to individuals applying for enrollment before January 1, 1976, such standards and qualifications shall include a requirement for an appropriate period of responsible actuarial experience relating to pension plans. With respect to individuals applying for enrollment on or after January 1, 1976, such standards and qualifications shall include— (1) education and training in actuarial mathematics and methodology, as evidenced by— (A) a degree in actuarial mathematics or its equivalent from an accredited college or university, ' (B) successful completion of an examination in actuarial mathematics and methodology to be given by the Joint Board, or (C) successful completion of other actuarial examinations deemed adequate by the Joint Board, and (2) an appropriate period of responsible actuarial experience. Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this subsection, the Joint Board may provide for the temporary enrollment for the period end-