Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 1.djvu/1110

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[88 STAT. 1066]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 1066]


PUBLIC LAW 93-408-SEPT. 3, 1974

[88 STAT.

TITLE V—POWERS O F THE COUNCIL D.C. Code 4 7 621 note.

D.C. Code 1121 note.

SEC. 501. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, or any rule of law, nothing in this Act shall be construed as limiting the authority of the Council of the District Columbia to enact any act, resolution, or regulation, after January 2, 1975, pursuant to the District of Columbia Self-Government and Governmental Reorganization Act with respect to any matter covered by this Act. Approved September 3, 1974. Public Law 93-408

September s, 1974



To amend the Youth Conservation Corps Act of 1972 (Public Law 92-597, 86 Stat. 1319) to expand and malte permanent the Youth Conservation Corps, and for other purposes. Be it enacted ty the Senate and House of Representatives of the vation corp"^A^t United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Act of of 1970, amend- August 13, 1970 (84 Stat. 794) is amended to read as follows:

ment. 42 USC p r e c. 2711 note. 16 USC 1701.


1. The Congress finds that the Youth Conservation Corps has demonstrated a high degree of success as a pilot program wherein American youth, representing all segments of society, have benefited by gainful employment in the healthful outdoor atmosphere of the national park system, the national forest system, other public land and water areas of the United States and by their employment have developed, enhanced, and maintained the natural resources of the United States, and whereas in so doing the youth have gained an understanding and appreciation of the Nation's environment and heritage equal to one full academic year of study, it is accordingly the purpose of this Act to expand and make permanent the Youth Conservation Corps and thereby further the development and maintenance of the natural resources by America's youth, and in so doing to prepare them for the ultimate responsibility of maintaining and managing these resources for the American people. "SECTION



tuni't"ind^em-' pioyment, term.

"SEC. 2. (a) To carry out the purposes of this Act, ther-e is established in the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture a Youth Conservation Corps (hereinafter referred to as the 'Corps'). The Corps shall consist of young men and women who are permanent residents of the United States, its territories, possessions, trust territories, or Commonwealth of Puerto Rico who have attained age fifteen but have not attained age nineteen, and whom the Secretary of the Interior or the Secretary of Agriculture may employ without regard to the civil service or classification laws, rules, or regulations, for the purpose of developing, preserving, or maintaining the lands and waters of the United States. " C'^) "^^^ Corps shall bc open to youth from all parts of the country of both scxcs aud youth of all social, economic, and racial classifications with all Corps members receiving compensation consistent with work accomplished, and with no person being employed as a member of the Corps for a term in excess of ninety days during any single year.