Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 1.djvu/1175

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[88 STAT. 1131]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 1131]

88 STAT.

PUBLIC LAW 93-415-SEPT. 7, 1974

(4) shall develop an adequate plan for assiiiing propei- relations with law enforcement personiiel. and the retiirn of j-nnawny youths from correctional institutions; (5) shall develop an adequate plan for aftercare counseling involving runaway youth and their parents within the State in which the runaway house is located and for assuring, as possible, that aftercase services wUl be provided to those children who are returned beyond the State in wdiich the runaway house is located; (6) shall keep adequate statistical records profiling the children and parents which it serves, except that records maintained on individual runaway youths shall not be disclosed without parental consent to anyone other than another agency compiling statistical records or a government agency involved in the disposition of criminal charges against an individual runaway youth, and reports or other documents based on such statistical records shall not disclose the identity of individual runaway youths; (7) shall submit annual reports to the Secretary detailing how the house has been able to jneet the goals of its plans and reporting the statistical summaries required by j^aragraph (6); (8) shall demonstrate its ability to operate under accounting procedures and fiscal control devices as required by the Secretary; (9) shall submit a budget estimate wath respect to the plan submitted by such house under this subsection; and (10) shall supply such other information as the Secretary reasonably deems necessary.


Aftercare counseling.

R e c o r d s, information d i s c l o s u r e, restriction.

Annual reports to Secretary.

Budget e s t i mate.


SEC. 313. An a^jplication by a State, locality, or nonpiofit private agency for a grant under this part may be approved by the Secretary only if it is consistent with the applicable provisions of this part and meets the requirements set forth in section 312. Priority shall be given to grants smaller than $75,000. In considering grant applications inider this part, priority shall be given to any applicant whose program budget is smaller than $100,000.

42 USC 5713.


SEC. 314. Nothing in this part shall be consti'ued to deny grants to nonprofit private agencies which are fully controlled by piivate boards or persons but which in other respects meet the requirements of this part and agree to be legally responsible for the operation of the runaway house. Nothing in this pait shall giA^e the Federal Government control over the staffing and personnel decisions of facilities receiving Federal funds.

42 USC 5714.


SEC. 315, The Secretary shall annually report to the Congress on the status and accomplishments of the runaw\ay houses which are funded under this part, with particular attention to—(1) their effectiveness in alleviating the problems of runaway youth; (2) their ability to reunite children with their families and to encourage the resolution of intrafamily problems through counseling and other services; (3) their effectiveness in strengthening family relationships and encouraging stable living conditions for children; and

Report to e o r jress. 42 USC 5715.