Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 1.djvu/1193

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[88 STAT. 1149]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 1149]


PUBLIC LAW 93-416-SEPT. 7, 1974

derived from more than one husband or wife shall elect one entitlement to be utilized." (b) Section 8'13o(b) of the Act is amended by inserting after "On remarriage" the following: "before reaching age 60". SEC. 17. Section 8133(e)(1) of the Act is amended to read as follows: "(1) the monthly pay computed under section 8114 of this title, except for increases authorized by section 8146a of this title; or". SEC. 18. Section 8133 of the Act is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new subsection: "(f) Notwithstanding any funeral and burial expenses paid under section 8134, there shall be paid a sum of $200 to the personal representative of a deceased employee within the meaning of section 8101(1) of this title for reimbursement of the costs of termination of the decedent's status as an employee of the United States." SEC. 19. Section 8135(a)(1) of the Act is amended by striking out "$5" and inserting in lieu thereof "$50". SEC. 20. The last two sentences of subsection (a) of section 8135 of the Act are amended to read as follows: "The probability of the death of the beneficiary before the expiration of the period during which he is entitled to compensation shall be determined according to the most current United States Life Tables, as developed by the United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, which shall be updated from time to time, but the lump-sum payment to a widow or widower of the deceased employee may not exceed 60 months' compensation. The probability of the happening of any other contingency affecting the amount or duration of compensation shall be disregarded." SEC, 21. Section 8146a of the Act is amended by striking "third" from subsection (a) and by striking subsection (b) and inserting in lieu thereof tl e following: " (b) The regular periodic compensation payments after adjustment under this section shall be fixed at the nearest dollar. However, the regular periodic compensation after adjustment shall reflect an increase of at least $1." SEC. 22. Subchapter I of chapter 81 of the Act is amended by adding the following new section: "§ 8151. Civil service retention rights " (a) In the event the individual resumes employment with the Federal Government, the entire time during which the employee was receiving compensation under this chapter shall be credited to the employee for the purposes of within-grade step increases, retention purposes, and other rights and benefits based upon length of service. " (b) Under regulations issued by the Civil Service Commission— "(1) the department or agency which was the last employer shall immediately and unconditionally accord the employee, if the injury or disability has been overcome within one year after the date of commencement of compensation or from the time compensable disability recurs if the recurrence begins after the injured employee resumes regular full-time employment with the United States, the right to resume his former or an equivalent position, as well as all other attendant rights which the employee would have had, or acquired, in his former position had he not been injured or disabled, including the rights to tenure, promotion, and safeguards in reductions-in-force procedures, and





8133. 8114.

Infra. Supra.

5 USC 8134. Ante,

p. 1 143.

Lump- sum pay» ments. 5 USC 8135.

Cost-of-livinf; adjustments. 5 USC 8146a.

5 USC 8151,