Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 1.djvu/1378

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[88 STAT. 1334]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 1334]


PUBLIC LAW 93-445-OCT. 16, 1974

[88 STAT.

in clause (B) or (C) of such paragraph (iii), (D) the last day of the month preceding (i) the month during no part of which he or she is a full-time student or (ii) the month in which he or she attains age 22, and does not meet the qualifications set forth in clause (A) or (C) of such paragraph (iii), or (E) the last day of the second month following the month in which he or she ceases to be disabled for purposes of such paragraph (iii) and does not meet the qualifications set forth in clause (A) or (B) of such paragraph (iii), whichever first occurs. A child whose entitlement to an annuity under paragraph (iii) of section 2(d)(1) terminated by reason of clause (E) of this subdivision because he or she ceased to be disabled and who again becomes disabled as provided in clause (C) of such paragraph (iii), may become reentitled to an annuity on the basis of such disability upon his or her application for such rentitlement. A child whose entitlement to an annuity under paragraph (iii) of section 2(d)(1) terminated with the month preceding the month in which he or she attained age 18, or with a subsequent month, may again become entitled to such an annuity (providing no event to disqualify the child has occurred) beginning with the first month thereafter in which he or she meets the qualifications set forth in clause (B) or (C) of such paragraph (iii), if he or she has filed an application for such I'entitlement. "(8) The entitlement of a parent of a deceased employee to an annuity under paragraph (iv) of section 2(d)(1) shall end on the last day of the month preceding the month in which (A) such parent dies or (B) such parent remarries after the employee's death, whichever first occurs. "LUMP-SUM PAYMENTS

45 USC 23ie.

"SEC. 6. (a)(1) Annuities under section 2(a)(1) and supplemental annuities under section 2(b) which will have become due an individual but will not have been paid at the time of such individual's death shall be payable to the person, if any, who is determined by the Board to be such individual's widow or widower and to have been living with such individual at the time of such individual's death and who will not have died before receiving payment of such annuities. If there be no such widow or widower, such annuities shall be payable to any person or persons, equitably entitled thereto, to the extent and in the proportions that he or they shall have paid the expenses of burial of such individual, and to the extent that he or they will not have been reimbursed under subsection (b) of this section for having paid such expenses. If there be no person or persons so entitled, or if the total of such annuities exceeds the amount payable under this subdivision to such person or persons, such total, or the remainder thereof, as the case may be, shall be paid to the children, grandchildren, parents, or brothers and sisters of the deceased individual in the same manner as if such annuities were a lump sum payable under subsection (c)(1) of this section. "(2) Annuities under section 2(d) which will have become due a survivor of an employee but will not have been paid at the time of such survivor's death shall be payable to the person, if any, who is determined by the Board to be such employee's widow or widower and to have been living with such employee at the time of the employee's death and who will not have died before receiving payment of such annuities. If there be no such widow or widower, such annuities shall be payable to the children, grandchildren, parents, or brothers and sisters of the deceased employee in the same manner as if such unpaid annuities were a lump sum payable under subsection (c)(1) of this section. "(3) Annuities under section 2(c) which will have become due a spouse of an individiial but which will not have been paid at the time