Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 1.djvu/1442

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[88 STAT. C36]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. C36]




Pair Credit Billing Act 1511 Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, Amendments: Back wages, suits by Labor Department 73 Child labor, minimum age 72 Economic effects studies 73 Minimum wage, extension— Logging crews 69 Motion picture theater employees 69 Minimum wage, increase— Agricultural employees 56 Federal employees 55 Nonagricultural employees 55 Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands 56-58 Minimum wage and overtime coverage, extension— Conglomerate employees 66 Domestic service workers 62 Federal and State employees 58 Retail and service establishments 62 Telegraph agency employees 63 Tobacco employees 62 Overtime coverage, extension— Bowling employees 65 Cotton ginning and sugar processing employees 66, 68 Food service establishment employees 65 Hotel, motel, and restaurant employees; tipped employees 64 Nursing home employees 64 Oil pipeline transportation employees. 69 Salesmen, partsmen, and mechanics. _ 65 Seafood canning and processing employees 64 Seasonal industry employees 66 Transit employees, local 68 Students, employment 69 Fair Labor Standard s Amendments of 1974 55 Fair Packaging and Labeling Act, Amendment, administration, modification of reporting requirements 1972 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 571 Family Planning Services, assistance to State 2337 Farallon National Wildlife Refuge, Calif., designation of Farallon Wilderness within 1744 F a r m and Rural Development Act, Consolidated, appropriation for effecting provisions 1831-1834 Farm-City Week, National, 1974, proclamation 2527 Farm Credit Administration, appropriation for 227, 1834 F a r m Labor Contractor Registration Act Amendments of 1974 1652 F a r m Labor Contractor Registration Act of 1963, Amendments: Civil relief; recordkeeping 1657, 1658 Coverage, extension 1652 Registration requirements 1653 F a r m Safety Week, National, 1974, proclamation 2450 Farm Tenant Act, B a n k h e a d - J o n e s, appropriation for effecting provisions. _ 1831 F a r m e r Cooperative Service, appropriation for 217, 1828 F a r m e r s H o m e Administration: Appropriation for 217, 1832

Community development corporations, P»w assistance to 2322 R u r a l Development Loan Fund, administration, utilization of services. 2320 F a r m e r s H o m e Administration Act of 1961, Consolidated, public facility and housing assistance, applications in areas affected by major disasters priority 151 F a the r ' s Day, 1974, proclamation 2486 F e a the r s and Downs, d u t y suspension on certain 1454 Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1968, appropriation for effecting provisions 774 Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1970, budget authority under, rescission of certain. 1710 Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1973: Amendments— Bus purchases by certain public transit systems, Federal assistance, prohibition 737 Indian reservation roads and bridges, authorization of funds 2281 Mass transportation facilities, accessibility to the elderly and h and i capped 2283 RaUroad-highway crossing, demonstration project 2282 R u r a l highway public transportation demonstration program, authorization of additional funds.. 2282 Appropriation for effecting provisions. 212, 773 Federal-Aid Highway Amendments of 1974 2281 Federal-Aid Highways, appropriation for. 774 Federal Aviation Act of 1958: Amendments— Air services to nations aiding terrorists, Presidential authority to suspend 413 Air transportation security 415 Aircraft piracy— Offenses outside special jurisdiction of the United States 410 P e n a l t y procedure 411 Foreign air transporation, security standards 414 Government-financed passengers and property, transportation of 2104 H a z a r d o u s materials, transportation, penalties 2162, 2163 Military participation under agreem e n t s with Armed Forces, elimination of report requirement — 1970 Property restricted from aircraft cabin, liability 418 Screening of passengers 415 Shippers of air freight, solicitation or acceptance of rebates, prohibition 2105 Ticket agents, observance of tariffs. _ 2105 Transportation of certain persons or property, authority to r e f u s e.. 418 United States mail, transportation in foreign air transportation, r a t e s. 2103 War r i s ^ insurance program, a u d i t requirement, revision 1964 Weapons or explosives, carrying aboard aircraft, penalties 417 Appropriation for effecting provisions.. 771, 772, 778 Federal Aviation Administration: Air Transportation Security Act of 1974 415

NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1362; Part 2 contains p£«es 1363-2545.