Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 1.djvu/1446

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[88 STAT. C40]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. C40]



Federal Register—Continued iPage Reporting requirements, modification of Pase Publication i n — C o n t i n u e d certain 1972 Unemployment compensation, emerUnfair or deceptive practices in or agency benefit periods, notice 1870 fecting commerce, rulemaking proUnfair import practices, investigacedures, s t u d y 2198 tion, notice 2053, 2055 Unfair trade practices, investigation, Unfair trade practices, complaints 2042 cooperation 2054 Vending facilities on Federal propFederal Trade Commission Act: ertyAmendments— Arbitration decisions and fee schedCivil actions, representation authorule 1627 ity 2199 Limitation, determination 1623 Commerce, unfair or deceptive pracVeterans suffering from alcoholism or tices in or affecting, rulemaking drug abuse, hospital admissions; authority 2193 confidentiality of records, reguConsumer redress 2201 lations 131, 133, 139 Investigatory authority, extension 2198 Voting age population, estimates 1266 Jurisdiction, expansion 2193 Federal Reserve Act, Amendments: Unfair or deceptive practices to conBranch b a n k building construction, sumers, knowing violations of increased limitation on costs 1505 rules, penalties 2200 Debt obligations, regulation of interest Repeal of certain provision 2200 rates on 1557 Federal Trade Commission Improvement Federal Reserve banks, purchase of Act, Magnuson-Moss Warranty 2183 United States obligations from Treasury Department, extension 1505 Federal Water Pollution Control Act: Amendments— National banks, real estate loans 716, 725 Extension of program 1924 Residential mortgages, time note adFish and wildlife enhancement, costvances 1368 sharing requirements 33 State usury ceilings, applicability to Appropriation for effecting provisions.- 1836 certain obligations 1560 Public facility and housing assistance, Federal Reserve System: applications in areas affected by Board of Governors, unfair or deceptive major disasters, priority 151 practices in or affecting commerce, regulatory authority 2196 Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, appropriation Equal Credit Opportunity Act 1521 National Commission on Electronic for effecting provisions 1836 F u n d Transfers, member 1508 Federal Water Project Recreation Act, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, AmendAmendment, fish and wildlife enments, congressional approval 1949 hancement, cost-sharing requireFederal Rules of Criminal Procedure: ments 33 Amendments, congressional a p p r o val. _ 1949 Fine Arts, Commission of, appropriation Proposed amendments to, congressional for 227,818 approval, time extension 397 Fire Data Center, National, establishment. 1541 Federal Rules of Evidence 1926 Fire Prevention and Control, National Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Academy for, establishment 1537 Corporation: Appropriation for 1108 Fire Prevention and Control Act of 1974, Public deposits, insurance, clarification Federal 1535 of authority 1739 Appropriation for effecting provisions... 1198 Public fund accounts, deposit insurance Fire Prevention and Control Administracoverage 1501 tion, National: Secondary reserve adjustment 1507 Appropriation for 1198 Federal Security Agency Appropriation Establishment 1536 Act, 1947, appropriation for effecting Fire Prevention Week, 1974, proclamaprovisions 1636 tion 2521 Federal-State Extended Unemployment Fire Research Center, establishment 1546 Compensation Act of 1970, AmendFire Training and Education, Committee ments: on, establishment 1539 National trigger, temporary reduction. _ 1872 Firearms, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and, Unemployment insurance, time extenappropriation for 225, 614 sion 53, 288, 420, 1872 Firefighters, Federal, retirement benefits. 355 Federal Supply Service, appropriation Firemen's Retirement and Disability Act, for 226, 626 Policemen and. Amendments: Federal Tax Lien Act of 1966, appropriaDisability retirement— tion for effecting provisions 616 P a y computation 2177 Federal Trade Commission: Recommendation, examination.. 1040, 1041 Survivor benefits 1041 Appropriation for 228, 1840 Firemen's Salary Act of 1958, District of Deepwater ports, license applications, Columbia Police and. Amendments, submittal to 2136 technical amendments 2173 Magnuson-Moss Warranty—Federal First Continental Congress, two h u n d r e d t h Trade Commission Improvement anniversary; ceremony, printing of Act 2183 additional copies 2401, 2431 National Commission on Electronic 321 F u n d Transfers, member 1508 Fiscal Year, change to begin October 1 — NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1362; Part 2 contains pages 1363-2645.