Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 1.djvu/1449

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[88 STAT. C43]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. C43]

SUBJECT INDEX Gas Pipeline Safety Act of 1968, Natural: Page Amendments— Funds, authorization 802 Pipeline safety programs, allocation of funds to States 802 Appropriation for effecting provisions. _ 769 General Accounting Office: Appropriation for 215, 443 Claims, time limit for filing with 1965 Comptroller General. See separate title. Congressional Budget Oflfice, utilization of services and facilities 303 Educational data consortium, participation 558 Harry S Truman Scholarship Foundation, audit 2279 Legal Services Corporation, audit of certain financial transactions 387 Office of Program Review and Evaluation, establishment 326 Small Business Administration, audit. _ 750 Transportation payment auditing functions, transfer to General Services Administration 1960 General Accounting Office Act of 1974.._ 1959 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade: Revision, steps toward 1986 U.S. contribution, appropriation authorization 1987 General Education Provisions Act: Amendments— Busing, use of appropriated funds for, prohibition 519 Education programs, administration. 556576 Education records, access to 1858-1862 National Center for Education Statistics, establishment 556 Parents and students, protection of rights and privacy 571, 574 State use of Federal funds, report 571 Appropriation for effecting provisions.. 818, 1642, 1643, 1773, 1774 General Medical Sciences, National Institute of: Appropriation for 1639 National Commission on Arthritis and Related Musculoskeletal Diseases, ex officio member 2218 National Commission on Diabetes, member 374 General Pulaski's Memorial Day, 1974, proclamation 2528 General Services Administration: Administrator, Office of the, appropriation for 226 American Indian Policy Review Commission, delivery of records and papers to 1913 Appropriation for 226, 621, 1781, 1840 Arkansas, certain real property in, release of conditions 1925 Automated Data and Telecommunications Service, appropriation for 226, 627 Consumer Information Center, appropriation for 1840 Economic development programs, excess Federal property for, acquisition through 1162 Emergency preparedness, appropriation for 226 Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949. See separate title.


Federal Register. See separate title, PaK« Federal Supply Service, appropriation for 226, 626 Former Presidents, appropriation for office staff, etc 628 General provisions, Appropriation Act. 628630 Indian reservations, excess Federal property within, disposal 1954 National Archives and Records Service. See separate title. National Railway Historical Society, Inc., Hawaii Chapter, surplus property donations 1742 National Study Commission on Records and Documents of Federal Officials, member; support services 1700, 1701 Presidential tajies and other historic materials, control of 1695 Property Management and Disposal Service, appropriation for 226 Public Buildings Service, appropriation for 226 Solar heating and cooling systems, cooperation 1074, 1078 Transportation payment, transfer of auditing function to 1960 Vending facilities on Federal property, priority to blind persons to operate, regulations 1623 Geological Survey: Appropriation for 222, 277, 808, 1783 Scientific examinations outside national domain, report modification 1971 Georgia: Blackbeard Island and Wolf Island Wilderness areas, designation 2153 Chattooga River, cornponent of national wild and scenic rivers system, designation 122 Cohutta Wilderness, designation 2098 EUicott Rock Wilderness, designation.. 2097 Frank M. Scarlett Federal Building, Brunswick, designation 1920 Jasper County Board of Education, land conveyance to 2361 Okefenokee Wilderness, designation 1179 Geothermal Energy Coordination and Management Project, establishment. 1080 Geothermal Energy Research, Development, and Demonstration Act of 1974. 1079 Geothermal Resources Development Fund, establishment 1087 Girl Scouts, exemption from sex discrimination prohibitions 1862 Gold: Medals, restriction on use in 1978 Ownership and dealings in by U.S. citizens 445 Gold and Silver, transactions for delivery pursuant to leverage contracts 1405 Golden Age Passports, lifetime admission permit 193 Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Calif., additional lands 1741 Gorgas Memorial Institute, authorization increase 1816 Gospel Missionary Union, Alaska, land conveyance 2384 Government Corporation Control Act: Amendments— Audit, frequency 1962 Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, a Government entity 1005

NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-X362; Part 2 contains pages 1363-2646.