Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 1.djvu/198

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[88 STAT. 154]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 154]


PUBLIC LAW 93-288-MAY 22, 1974

[88 STAT.

design of such facility as it existed immediately prior to such disaster and in conformity with current applicable codes, specifications, and standards. (f) I n those cases where a State or local government determines that public welfare would not be best served by repairing, restoring, reconstructing, or replacing particular public facilities owned or controlled by that State or that local government which have been damaged or destroyed in a major disaster, it may elect to receive, in lieu of the contribution described in subsection (e) of this section, a contribution based on 90 per centum of the Federal estimate of the total cosl: of repairing, restoring, reconstructing, or replacing all damaged facilities owned by it within its jurisdiction. The cost of repairing, restoring, reconstructing, or replacing damaged or destroyed public facilities shall be estimated on the basis of the design of each such facility as it existed immediately prior to such disaster and in conformity with current applicable codes, specifications and standards. Funds contributed under this subsection may be expended either to repair or restore certain selected damaged public facilities or to construct new public facilities which the State or local government determines to be necessary to meet its needs for governmental services and functions in the disaster-affected area. DEBRIS

42 USC 5173.


S'EC. 403. (a) The President, whenever he determines it to be in the public interest, is authorized— (1) through the use of Federal departments, agencies, and instrumentalities, to clear debris and wreckage resulting from a major disaster from publicly and privately owned lands and waters; and (2) to make grants to any State or local government for the purpose of removing debris or wreckage resulting from a major disaster from publicly or privately owned lands and waters. (b) No authority under this section shall be exercised unless the affected State or local government shall first arrange an unconditional authorization for removal of such debris or wreckage from public and private property, and, in the case of removal of debris or wreckage from private property, shall first agree to indemnify the Federal Government against any claim arising from such removal. TEMPORARY

42 USC 5174,




SEC. 404. (a) The President is authorized to provide, either by purchase or lease, temporary housing, including, but not limited to, unoccupied habitable dwellings, suitable rental housing, mobile homes or other readily fabricated dwellings for those who, as a result of a major disaster, require temporary housing. During the first twelve months of occupancy no rentals shall be established for any such accommodations, and thereafter rentals shall be established, based upon fair market value of the accommodations being furnished, adjusted to take into consideration the financial ability of the occupant. Any mobile home or readily fabricated dwelling shall be placed on a site complete with utilities provided either by the State or local government, or by the owner or occupant of the site who was displaced by the major disaster, without charge to the United States. The President may authorize installation of essential utilities at Federal expense and he may elect to provide other more economical or accessible sites when he determines such action to be in the public interest.