Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 1.djvu/280

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[88 STAT. 236]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 236]


PUBLIC LAW 93-311-JUNE 8, 1974

[88 STAT.

Public Law 93-311 June 8, 1974 rs 17521


National c^omductivity and*^ Work Quality. 15 USC 1026.

Objectives. Functions.

Publicity and promotion.

Areas of c o n centration.



Prescribing the objectives and functions of the National Productivity and Work Quality.



Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That (a) it is the pollcy of the United States to promote increased productivity and to improvc the morale and quality of work of the American worker, for ^j^^ purpose of providing goods and services at low cost to American consumers, improving the competitive position of the United States in the international economy, and facilitating a more satisfying work experience for American workers. (b) The President's National Commission on Productivity shall hereafter be referred to as the National Commission on Productivity and Work Quality (hereinafter referred to as the "Commission"). The Commission shall carry out the objectives and exercise the functions hereinafter prescribed. ^^^ 'Y\\& objcctlves of the Commission shall be to help increase the productivity of the American economy and to help improve the morale and quality of work of the American worker. ^(j^ 'J^Q achicve the objectives of subsection (c), the Commission shall have the following primary functions: (1) To encourage and assist in the organization and work of labor-management committees which may also include public members, on a plant, community, regional, and industry basis. Such committees may be specifically designed to facilitate labormanagement cooperation to increase productivity or to help improve the morale and quality of work of the American worker. (2) To conduct such research as is directly necessary to achieve each of the objectives set forth in subsection (c) when such research cannot appropriately be accomplished by other Government agencies or private organizations. ^3^ '^Q publicizc, disscminate, and otherwise promote material and ideas relating to its objectives. (e) In addition to its functions under subsection (d) the Commission shall— (1) advise the President and the Congress with respect to Government policy affecting productivity and the quality of work; (2) coordinate and promote Government research and technical assistance efforts relating to productivity; and (3) provide technical and consulting assistance. (f) In pursuing its objectives under subsection (c), and in carrying out its functions under subsections (d) and (e), the Commission shall concentrate its efforts on those areas where such efforts are likely to make the most substantial impact on— (A) the morale and quality of work of the American worker; (B) the international competitive position of the United States; (C) the efficiency of government; or (D) the cost of those goods and services which are generally considered to fulfill the most basic needs of Americans. (g)(1) The Executive Director of the Commission shall be the principal executive officer of the Commission in carrying out the objectives and functions of the Commission under this section.