Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 1.djvu/326

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[88 STAT. 282]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 282]


87 Stat. 746.

87 Stat. 4 2 9. 87 Stat. 766. 87 Stat. 1026. South Vietname s e military for c e s, fund for support.

87 Stat. 1049. 22 USC 2412. 22 USC 2415.

22 USC 2318.

87 Stat. 746. 87 Stat. 1 0 7 1. Ante, p. 195. 42 USC 2 4 1, 242b, 2 4 2 c, 2 4 2 h, 246, 254b. 42 USC 280b, 300.

PUBLIC LAW 93-324-JUNE 30, 1974

[88 STAT.

subsection but which was not included in the applicable appropriation Act for 1974, and which by its terms is applicable to more than one appropriation, fund, or authority shall be applicable to any appropriation, fund, or authority provided in this joint resolution unless such provision shall have been included in identical form in such bill as enacted by both the House and the Senate: Provided further, That with respect to appropriations, including any activity, program, or project, contained in the Departments of Labor, and Health, Education, and Welfare, and Related Agencies Appropriation Act, 1974 (Public Law 93-192), the current rate for operations shall be that permitted by the specific provisions set forth in the enacting clause of Public Law 93-192. (b) Such amounts as may be necessary for continuing projects or activities (not otherwise provided for in this joint resolution or other enacted Appropriation Acts for the fiscal year 1975) which were conducted in the fiscal year 1974 and are listed in this subsection at a rate for operations not in excess of the current rate or the rate provided for in the budget estimate, whichever is lower, and under the more restrictive authority— activities for which provision was made in the Department of Interior and Related Agencies Appropriation Act, 1974; activities for which provision was made in the Military Construction Appropriation Act, 1974; activities for which provision was made in the Department of Defense Appropriation Act, 1974: Provided, That the continuation of support for South Vietnamese military forces shall be administered and accounted for from one fund, at an annual rate of $1,000,000,000, to be obligated only by the issuance of orders by the Secretary of Defense for such support: Provided further, That the fund for support of Vietnamese military forces shall bo deemed obligated at the time the Secretary of Defense issues orders authorizing support of any kind, which obligations shall in the case of non-excess materials and supplies to be famished from the inventory of Department of Defense be equal to the replacement costs thereof at the time such obligation is incurred and in the case of excess materials and supplies be equal to the actual value thereof at the time such obligation is incurred: Provided further, That none of the activities for support of South Vietnamese military forces contained in this paragraph should be funded at a rate exceeding one quarter of the annual rate as provided by this joint resolution; activities for which provision was made in tho Foreign Assistance and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1974, notwithstanding section 10 of Public Law 91-672, and section 655(c) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended: Provided, That in computing the current rate of operations of military assistance there shall be included: (1) the amount of contract authority used during the fiscal year 1974 pursuant to section 506(a) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, for military assistance to Cambodia, and (2) the amount of obligations incurred in Department of Defense appropriations during the fiscal year 1974 for military assistance to Laos; The following activities for which provision was made in the Departments of Labor and Health, Education, and Welfare Appropriation Act, 1974, the Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1974, or the Second Supplemental Appropriations x\ct, 1974: activities under sections 301(h), 304, 305, 310, 314 (d) and (e) and 329 of the Public Health Service Act, as amended; activities under title III, part J, and title X of the Public Health Service Act, as amended;