Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 1.djvu/367

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[88 STAT. 323]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 323]

88 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 93-344-JULY 12, 1974



SEC. 601. Section 201 of the Budget and Accounting Act, 1921 (31 U.S.C. 11), is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new subsections: " (d) The Budget transmitted pursuant to subsection (a) for each fiscal year shall set forth separately the items enumerated in section 301(a)(l) - (5) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974. ^"'^' P- 306. "(e) The Budget transmitted pursuant to subsection (a) for each fiscal year shall set forth the levels of tax expenditures under existing law for such fiscal year (the tax expenditure budget), taking into account projected economic factors, and any changes in such existing levels based on proposals contained in such Budget, For purposes of this subsection, the terms 'tax expenditures' and 'tax expenditures budget' have the meanings given to them by section 3(a)(3) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974. ^"'e- P. 299. "(f) The Budget transmitted pursuant to subsection (a) for each fiscal year shall contain— "(1) a comparison, for the last completed fiscal year, of the total amount of outlays estimated in the Budget transmitted pursuant to subsection (a) for each major program involving uncontrollable or relatively uncontrollable outlays and the total amount of outlays made under each such major program during such fiscal year; "(2) a comparison, for the last completed fiscal year, of the total amount of revenues estimated in the Budget transmitted pursuant to subsection (a) and the total amount of revenues received during such year, and, with respect to each major revenue source, the amount of revenues estimated in the Budget transmitted pursuant to subsection (a) and the amount of revenues received during such year; and " (3) an analysis and explanation of the difference between each amount set forth pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2) as the amount of outlays or revenues estimated in the Budget submitted under subsection (a) for such fiscal year and the corresponding amount set forth as the amount of outlays made or revenues received during such fiscal year. " (g) The President shall transmit to the Congress, on or before Zlem^nt^^^tTlns-. April 10 and July 15 of each year, a statement of all amendments to or mittai to conrevisions in the budget authority requested, the estimated outlays, and g'-ess. the estimated receipts for the ensuing fiscal year set forth in the Budget transmitted pursuant to subsection (a) (including any previous amendments or revisions proposed on behalf of the executive branch) that he deems necessary and appropriate based on the most current information available. Such statement shall contain the effect of such amendments and revisions on the summary data submitted under subsection (a) and shall include such supporting detail as is practicable. The statement transmitted on or before July 15 of any year may be included in the supplemental summary required to be transmitted under subsection (b) during such year. The Budget transmitted to the Congress pursuant to subsection (a) for any fiscal year, or the supporting detail transmitted in connection therewith, shall include a statement of all such amendments and revisions with respect to the fiscal year in progress made before the date of transmission of such Budget.