Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 1.djvu/505

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[88 STAT. 461]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 461]

88 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 93-376-AUG. 14, 1974

(g) For purposes of the limitations contained in this section all contributions made by any person directly or indirectly to or for the benefit of a particular candidate, including contributions which are in any way earmarked, encumbered, or otherwise directed through an intermediary or conduit to that candidate, shall be treated as contributions from that person to that candidate. (h)(1) No candidate or member of the immediate family of a candidate may make a loan or advance from his personal funds for use in connection with a campaign of that candidate for nomination for election, or for election, to public office unless that loan or advance is evidenced by a written instrument fully disclosing the terms, conditions, and parts to the loan or advance. The amount of any such loan or advance shall be included in computing and applying the limitations contained in this section only to extent of the balance of the loan or advance which is unpaid at the time of determination. (2) For purposes of this subsection, the term "immediate family" means the candidate's spouse and any parent, brother, or sister, or child of the candidate, and the spouse of any such parent, brother, sister, or child. L I M I T A T I O N OF


'Immediate family.


D.C SEC. 402. (a)(1) No principal campaign committee shall expand 1162.. any funds which when aggregated with funds expended by it, all other committees required to report to it, and by a candidate supported by such committee shall exceed (1) in the case of a candidate for Mayor, $200,000 in the aggregate for any primary and general election in connection therewith, but in no event in excess of $120,000 for one of such elections and $80,000 for the other of such elections; (2) in the case of a candidate for Chairman of the Council, $150,000 in the aggregate for any primary and general election in connection therewith, but in no event in excess of $90,000 for one of such elections and $60,000 for the other of such elections; (3) in the case of a candidate for member of the Council elected at large, $100,000 in the aggregate for any primary and general election in connection therewith, but in no event in excess of $60,000 for one of such elections and $40,000 for the other of such elections; (4) in the case of a candidate for member of the Board of Education elected at large or member of the Council elected from a ward, $20,000 in the aggregate for any primary and general election in connection therewith, but in no event in excess of $12,000 for one of such elections and $8,000 for the other of such elections; (5) in the case of a candidate for member of the Board of Education elected from a ward, or in support of any candidate for office of a political party, $10,000 in the aggregate for any primary and general election in connection therewith, but in no event in excess of $6,000 for one of such elections and $4,000 for the other of such elections; and (6) in the case of a candidate for member of an Advisory Neighborhood Council, $500. (2) At the beginning of each calendar year (commencing in 1976), as there become available necessary data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the Department of Labor, the Secretary of Labor shall certify to the Board and the Board shall publish in the District of Publication in Columbia Register the per centum difference between the price index co^ium*birRegisfor the twelve months preceding the beginning of such calendar year ter. and the price index for 1974. Each amount determined under paragraph (1) shall be changed by such per centum difference. Each amount so changed shall be the amount in effect for such calendar year. (b) No political committee or candidate shall knowingly expend any funds at a time when the principal campaign committee to which it shall report, or which has been designated by him, is precluded by sub-