Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 1.djvu/595

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[88 STAT. 551]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 551]

88 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 93-380-AUG. 21, 1974

(6) I n the fiscal year ending June 30, 1975, the Advisory Council shall be responsible for advising the Commissioner regarding the establishment of policy guidelines and regulations for the operation and administration of this section. In addition, the Council shall create a system for evaluation of the programs. The Council shall present to Congress a complete and thorough evaluation of the programs and operation of this section for each fiscal year ending after June 30, 1975. (h) In approving applications under this section the Commissioner shall insure that there is an equitable geographical distribution of community education programs throughout the United States in both urban and rural areas. (i) The Commissioner is authorized to expend (1) for the purpose of subsection (d), $15,000,000 for each fiscal year ending prior to July 1, 1978; and (2) for the purposes of subsection (e), $2,000,000 for each fiscal year ending prior to July 1, 1978. CAREER

551 nLfan/^eguiations. Evaluation, sub'"^ ^ ° °"g«ss.



SEC. 406. (a) I t is the sense of Congress that— 20 USC ises. (1) every child should, by the time he has completed secondary school, be prepared for gainful or maximum employment and for full participation in our society according to his or her ability: (2) it is the obligation of each local educational agency to provide that preparation for all children (including handicapped children and all other children who are educationally disadvantaged) within the school district of such agency; and (3) each State and local educational agency should carry out a program of career education which provides every child the widest variety of career education options which are designed to prepare each child for maximum employment and participation in our society according to his or her ability. (b) I t is the purpose of this section to assist in achieving the policies set forth in subsection (a) by— (1) developing information on the needs for career education for all children; (2) promoting a national dialogue on career education designed to encourage each State and local educational agency to determine and adopt the approach to career education best suited to the needs of the children served by them; (3) assessing the status of career education programs and practices, including a reassessment of the stereotj^ping of career opportunities by race or by sex; (4) providing for the demonstration of the best of the current career education programs and practices by the development and testing of exemplary programs and practices using various theories, concepts, and approaches with respect to career education; (5) providing for the training and retraining of persons for conducting career education programs; and (6) developing State and local plans for implementing career education programs designed to insure that every child has the opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills necessary for gainful or maximum employment and for full participation in our society according to his or her ability. (c)(1) I n order to carry out the policies, purposes, and provisions EdJcLtfon^ ^^""^ of this section, there is established in the Office of Education an Establishment. Office of Career Education (hereafter in this section referred to as the "Office"). The Office shall be headed by a Director. (2) The Director of the Office shall report directly to the Commissioner.