Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 1.djvu/634

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[88 STAT. 590]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 590]


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PUBLIC LAW 93-380-AUG. 21, 1974

[88 STAT.

(9) publication of test results on reading achievement by grade level, and where appropriate, by school, without identification of achievement of individual children; (10) availability of test results on reading achievement on an individual basis to parents or guardians of any child being so tested; (11) participation on an equitable basis by children enrolled in nonprofit private elementary schools in the area to be served (after consultation with the appropriate private school officials) to an extent consistent with the number of such children whose educational needs are of the kind the program is intended to meet; (12) the use of bilingual education methods and techniques to the extent consistent with the number of elementary school-age children in the area served by a reading program who are of limited English-speaking ability; (13) appropriate involvement of leaders of the cultural and educational resources of the area to be served, including institutions of higher education, nonprofit private schools, public and private nonprofit agencies such as libraries, museums, educational radio and television, and other cultural and education resources of the community; and (14) assessment, evaluation, and collection of information on individual children by teachers during each year of the preelementary program, to be made available for teachers in the subsequent year, in order that continuity for the individual child not be lost. ^g^ Each such applicant, in addition to meeting the requirements ^^ subsection (b), shall provlde assurances that— (1) appropriate measures have been taken by the agency to analyze the reasons why elementary school children are not reading at the appropriate grade level; (2) the agency will develop a plan setting forth specific objectives which shall include the goals of having the children in project schools reading at the appropriate grade level at the end of grade three; and (3) whenever appropriate, sufficient measures will be taken to coordinate each preelementary reading program with the reading program of the educational agencies or institutions which such preelementary school children will be next in attendance. (d) No grant may be made under this part unless the application for such grant provides assurances that the provisions of this subsec^^^^ ^^® ^^^- ^^^^ State cducational agency shall— (1) establish an advisory council on reading appointed by such agency which shall be broadly representative of the education resources of the State and of the general public, including persons representative of— (A) public and private nonprofit elementary and second ary schools, (B) institutions of higher education, (C) parents of elementary and secondary school children, and (D) areas of professional competence relating to instruction in reading, and (2) authorize the advisory council established under clause (1) to receive and designate priorities among applications for grants under this section in that State, if—