Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 1.djvu/651

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[88 STAT. 607]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 607]

88 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 93-380-AUG. 21, 1974


(3) Clause (A) (vii) of section 104(b)(1) of such Act is amended ^o use i244. by inserting before the comma at the end thereof the following: " (and may include, where appropriate, students who are persons of limited English-speaking ability (as defined in section 703(a) of title VII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965))". ^"^^' P- 504. (4) Section 108 of such Act is amended by adding at the end thereof 2° ^^'^ ^2'*^' the following new paragraphs: "(14) The term 'vocational training' means training or retraining '^vocational which is conducted as part of a program designed to prepare indi- '"^^^"'"s* viduals for gainful employment as semiskilled or skilled workers or technicians or subprofessionals in recognized occupations and in new and emerging occupations, but excluding any program to prepare individuals for employment in occupations which the Commissioner determines, and specifies by regulation, to be generally considered professional which requires a baccalaureate or higher degree; such term includes guidance and counseling (either individually or through group instruction) in connection with such training or for the purpose of facilitating occupational choices; instruction related to the occupation or occupations to which the students are in training or instruction necessary for students to benefit from such training; the training of persons engaged as, or preparing to become, instructors in a vocational training program; travel of students and vocational training personnel while engaged in a training program; and the acquisition, maintenance, and repair of instructional supplies, aids, and equipment, but such term does not include the construction, acquisition, or initial equipment of buildings or the acquisition or rental of land. "(15) The term 'postsecondary educational institution' means a ed"fa°^iona'i°/^'^^tir nonprofit institution legally authorized to provide postsecondary edu- tution." cation within a State for persons sixteen years of age or older, who have graduated from or left elementary or secondary school.". (5)(A) Clause (4) of section 122(a) of such Act is amended by ^°^^^ ^^^^• adding at the end thereof the following: " (C) vocational education for students of limited Englishspeaking ability (as defined in section 703(a) of title VII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965) carried out in coordination with bilingual education programs under such title VII and bilingual adult education programs under section 306(a) (11) of the Adult Education Act;". ^"^e. p. S78. (6) Section 191 of such Act, and all references thereto, is redesig- 20 USC 1391. nated as section 189. (7) Title I of such Act is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new part: "PART J—BIIJNGTJAL VOCATIONAL TRAINING "STATEMENT OF FINDINGS

"SEC. 191. The Congress hereby finds that one of the most acute problems in the United States is that which involves millions of citizens, both children and adults, whose efforts to profit from vocational training is severely restricted by their limited English-speaking ability because they come from environments where the dominant language is other than English; that such persons are therefore unable to help to fill the critical need for more and better trained personnel in vital occupational categories; and that such persons are unable to make their maximum contribution to the Nation's economy and must, in fact, suffer the hardships of unemployment or underemployment. The Congress further finds that there is a critical shortage of instructors

^o use 1393.