Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 1.djvu/71

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PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975

88 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 93-251-MAR. 7, 1974

and public landowners resulting from shoreline erosion, and the inability of such landowners to obtain satisfactory financial and technical assistance to combat such erosion, it is essential to develop, demonstrate, and disseminate information about low-cost means to prevent and control shoreline erosion. I t is therefore the purpose of this section to authorize a program to develop and demonstrate such means to combat shoreline erosion. (c)(1) The Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, shall establish and conduct for a period of five fiscal years a national shoreline erosion control development and demonstration program. The program shall consist of planning, constructing, operating, evaluating, and demonstrating prototype shoreline erosion control devices, both engineered and vegetative. (2) The program shall be carried out in cooperation with the Secretary of Agriculture, particularly with respect to vegetative means of preventing and controlling shoreline erosion, and in cooperation with Federal, State, and local agencies, private organizations, and the Shoreline Erosion Advisory Panel established pursuant to subsection (d). (3) Demonstration projects established pursuant to this section shall emphasize the development of low-cost shoreline erosion control devices located on sheltered or inland waters. Such projects shall be undertaken at no less than two sites each on the shorelines of the Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific coasts, the Great Lakes, and the State of Alaska, and at locations of serious erosion along the shores of Delaware Bay, particularly at those reaches known as Pickering Beach, Kitts Hummock, Bowers, Slaughter Beach, Broadkill Beach, and Lewes in the State of Delaware. Sites selected shoidd, to the extent possible, reflect a variety of geographical and climatic conditions. (4) Such demonstration projects may be carried out on private or public lands except that no funds appropriated for the purpose of this section may be expended for the acquisition of privately owned lands. I n the case of sites located on private or non-Federal public lands, the demonstration projects shall be undertaken in cooperation with a non-Federal sponsor or sponsors who shall pay at least 25 per centum of construction costs at each site and assume operation and maintenance costs upon completion of the project. (d)(1) No later than one hundred and twenty days after the date of enactment of this section the Chief of Engineers shall establish a Shoreline Erosion Advisory Panel. The Chief of Engineers shall appoint fifteen members to such Panel from among individuals who are knowledgeable with respect to various aspects of shoreline erosion, with representatives from various geographical areas, institutions of higher education, professional organizations. State and local agencies, and private organizations, except that such individuals shall not be regidar full-time employees of the United States. The Panel shall meet and organize within ninety days from the date of its establishment, and shall select a Chairman from among its members. The Panel shall then meet at least once each six months thereafter and shall expire ninety days after termination of the five-year program established pursuant to subsection (c). (2) The Panel shall— (A) advise the Chief of Engineers generally in carrying out provisions of this section; (B) recommend criteria for the selection of development and demonstration sites; (C) recommend alternative institutional, legal, and financial arrangements necessary to effect agreements with non-Federal sponsors of project sites;


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Shoreline ErosionTdXofy Panei. Establishment
