Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 1.djvu/755

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[88 STAT. 711]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 711]

88 STAT.

PUBLIC LAW 93-383-AUG. 22, 1974

(h) The manufacturer shall submit his plan for notifying owners of the defect and for repairing such defect (if required under subsection (g)) to the Secretary for his approval before implementing such plan. Whenever a manufacturer is required under subsection (g) to correct a defect, the Secretary shall approve with or without modification, after consultation with the manufacturer of the mobile home involved, such manufacturer's remedy plan including the date when, and the method by which, the notification and remedy required pursuant to this section shall be effectuated. Such date shall be the earliest practicable one but shall not be more than sixty days after the date of discovery or determination of the defect or failure to comply, unless the Secretary grants an extension of such period for good cause shown and publishes a notice of such extension in the Federal Register. Such manufacturer is bound to implement such remedy plan as approved by the Secretary. (i) Where a defect or failure to comply in a mobile home cannot be adequately repaired within sixty days from the date of discovery or determination of the defect, the Secretary may require that the mobile home be replaced with a new or equivalent home without charge, or that the purchase price be refunded in full, less a reasonable allowance for depreciation based on actual use if the home has been in the possession of the owner for more than one year.


Public ation in ederal Register.


SEC. 616. E \ e r y manufacturer of mobile homes shall furnish to the distributor or dealer at the time of delivery of each such mobile home produced by such manufacturer certification that such mobile home conforms to all applicable Federal construction and safety standards. Such certification shall be in the form of a label or tag permanently affixed to each such mobile home.

42 USC 5415.


SEC. 617. The Secretary shall develop guidelines for a consumer's manual to be provided to mobile home purchasers by the manufacturer. These manuals should identify and explain the purchasers' responsibilities for operation, maintenance, and repair of their mobile homes.

Consumer's manual. 42 USC 5416.


SEC. 618. Nothing contained in this title shall be deemed to exempt from the antitrust laws of the United States any conduct that would otherwise be unlawful under such laws, or to prohibit under the antitrust laws of the United States any conduct that would be lawful under such laws. As used in this section, the term "antitrust laws" includes, but is not limited to, the Act of July 2, 1890, as amended; the Act of October 14, 1914, as amended; the Federal Trade Commission Act (15 U.S.C. 41 et seq.); and sections 73 and 74 of the Act of August 27, 1894, as amended.

42 USC 5417.

"Antitrust laws." 15 USC 1. 15 USC 12. 15 USC 8, 9.


SEC. 619. The Secretary, in exercising the authority under this title, shall utilize the services, research and testing facilities of public agencies and independent testing laboratories to the maximum extent practicable in order to avoid duplication.

42 USC 5418.