Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 1.djvu/765

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[88 STAT. 721]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 721]

88 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 93-383-AUG. 22, 1974

of the credit union participates. Following approval by the directors, written notice of the proposition and of the date set for the membership vote shall be delivered in person to each member, or mailed to each member at the address for such member appearing on the records of the credit union, not more than thirty nor less than seven days prior to such date. The membership shall be given the opportunity to vote by mail ballot. If the proposition is approved by the membership, prompt and reasonable notice of insurance conversion shall be given to all members. " (3) In the event of a conversion of a credit union from status as an insured credit union under this Act as provided under subsection (a) (2) of this section, premium charges payable under section 202(c) of this Act shall be reduced by an amount proportionate to the number of calendar months for which the converting credit union will no longer be insured under this Act. As long as a converting credit union remains insured under this Act, it shall remain subject to all of the provisions of chapter II of this Act.".


12 USC 1782.


SEC. 729. Section 208(a)(1) of the Federal Credit Union Act (12 U.S.C. 1788(a)(1)) is amended to read as follows: "(1) I n order to reopen a closed insured credit union or in order to prevent the closing of an insured credit union which the Administrator has determined is in danger of closing or in order to assist in the voluntary liquidation of a solvent credit union, the Administrator, in his discretion, is authorized to make loans to, or purchase the assets of, or establish accounts in such insured credit union upon such terms and conditions as he may prescribe. Except with respect to the voluntary liquidation of a solvent credit union, such loans shall be made and such accounts shall be established only when, in the opinion of the Administrator, such action is necessary to protect the fund or the interests of the members of the credit union." TITLE VIII—MISCELLANEOUS N A T I O N A L H O U S I N G GOAL

SEC. 801. Title X VI of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 is amended— (1) by inserting " (a) " before "The Congress" in the first sentence of section 1601; (2) by adding at the end of section 1601 the following new subsections: " (b) The Congress further finds that policies designed to contribute to the achievement of the national housing goal have not directed sufficient attention and resources to the preservation of existing "housing and neighborhoods, that the deterioration and abandonment of housing for the Nation's lower income families has accelerated over the last decade, and that this acceleration has contributed to neighborhood disintegration and has partially negated the progress toward achieving the national housing goal which has been made primarily through new housing construction. "(c) The Congress declares that if the national housing goal is to be achieved, a greater effort must be made to encourage the preservation of existing housing and neighborhoods through such measures as housing preservation, moderate rehabilitation, and improvements in housing management and maintenance, in conjunction with the provision of adequate municipal services. Such an effort should concentrate, to a greater extent than it has in the past, on housing and

42 USC 1441a.