Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 1.djvu/777

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[88 STAT. 733]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 733]

88 STAT.]

PUBLIC LAW 93-383-AUG. 22, 1974

cies of government to the extent necessary to insure that the national interest is protected and promoted in the exercise of its functions and responsibilities. (f)(1) The Institute is authorized to accept contracts and grants from Federal, State, and local governmental agencies and other entities, and grants and donations from private organizations, institutions, and individuals. (2) The Institute may, in accordance with rates and schedules established with guidance as provided under subsection (b)(2), establish fees and other charges for services provided by the Institute or under its authorization. (3) Amounts received by the Institute under this section shall be in addition to any amounts which may be appropriated to provide its initial operating capital under subsection (h). (g)(1) Every department, agency, and establishment of the Federal Government, in carrying out any building or construction, or any building- or construction-related programs, which involves direct expenditures, and in developing technical requirements for any such building or construction, shall be encouraged to accept the technical findings of the Institute, or any nationally recognized performance criteria, standards, and other technical provisions for building regulations brought about by the Institute, which may be applicable. (2) All projects and programs involving Federal assistance in the form of loans, grants, guarantees, insurance, or technical aid, or in any other form, shall be encouraged to accept, use, and comply with any of the technical findings of the Institute, or any nationally recognized performance criteria, standards, and other technical provisions for building codes and other regulations brought about by the Institute, which may be applicable to the purposes for which the assistance is to be used. (3) Every department, agency, and establishment of the Federal Government having responsibility for building or construction, or for building- or construction-related programs, is authorized and encouraged to request authorization and appropriations for grants to the Institute for its general support, and is authorized to contract with and accept contracts from the Institute for specific services where deemed appropriate by the responsible Federal official involved. (4) The Institute shall establish and carry on a specific and continuing program of cooperation with the States and their political subdivisions designed to encourage their acceptance and its technical findings and of nationally recognized performance criteria, standards, and other technical provisions for building regulations brought about by the Institute. Such program shall include (A) efforts to encourage any changes in existing State and local law to utilize or embody such findings and regulatory provisions; and (B) assistance to States in the development of inservice training programs for building officials, and in the establishment of fully staffed and qualified State technical agencies to advise local officials on questions of technical interpretation. (h) There is authorized to be appropriated to the Institute not to exceed $5,000,000 for the fiscal year 1975, and $5,000,000 for the fiscal year 1976 (with each appropriation to be available until expended), to provide the Institute with initial capital adequate for the exercise of its functions and responsibilities during such years; and thereafter the Institute shall be financially self-sustaining through the means described in subsection (f). (i) The Institute shall submit an annual report for the preceding fiscal year to the President for transmittal to the Congress within sixty days of its receipt. The report shall include a comprehensive and detailed report of the Institute's operations, activities, financial con-


Contracts and grants.


Annual report to P r e s i d e n t.